Format of YYYY.MM.DD - for example 1600.10.20 for 20th October 1600. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. Optional. This command resets the personal deity of your current country. If you don't specify a country tag, the administrative power will be added to the country that you are playing as. This command will reload all areas on the map - useful for debugging and fixing bugs. Using EU4 Console Commands A full list of 226 Europa Universalis 4 cheats is shown below. Poc Sep 3, 2015 @ 9:10am. The name of the faction you wish to add. This command prints the version of Europa Universalis IV your game is running. Specify a negative number to decrease a province's prosperity progress. Province manpower is base manpower * manpower efficiency * local autonomy. The tag of the country you wish for the consort to be from. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. After executing this command, score information will be printed to the game.log file. The country tag of the country you wish to start a golden age within. If not specified, a cardinal within the country you are currently playing as will be killed. The country tag of the country that declared the casus belli (the other country involved in the casus belli). This command will end all wars the specified country is engaged in. Specify -1 here to revert the combat dice to normal (making it random again). The value you wish to set the specified province's base tax to. This is a debug command - it will validate all events (and won't trigger them). If specified, the country with the specified tag will have their liberty desire modified. Always try to keep at least 1000 of whatever the point system is called so when the random event shows up to either take away authority or to grant you more authority you have the points to spend. This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove diplomatic power from. Press Tab after entering the beginning of a command to autocomplete it or display which commands start with the entered sequence. A number. You can now use the following codes, has to be case sensitive: Contributed By:. If executed with a command as an argument, help for that command will be printed to console. This list is updated as of 1.12. The name of the newly created galley flagship (i.e. This will print price information to the game.log file. This console command starts the estate agenda with the specified ID. 15 would be 15 years old. set_consort_flag [country tag] [flag] DLC: Rights of Man. The ID of the province you wish to change the base tax of. The country tag to print ideas to game.log for. This debug command prints data from timing tests to the game's log file. golden_age [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. Optional. A joke command - prints the joke response 'No help for you' to the console. This console command creates a center of trade with the specified level (1-3) in the specified province. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. If you do not specify a country tag, the country you are playing as will be affected. Specify a negative number to remove liberty desire. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. If not specified, this command will affect your current country. This command will start a reformation within the province with the specified province ID. The ID of the court member you wish to change the religion of. This debug command crashes the game. The tag of the country you wish to have the first specified country integrated into. If not specified, you will be granted the maximum amount of government ability points. Wargoals include: Take province / Defend province: Control a specific province. All countries below this limit will be highlighted. This command starts a native uprising within the province with the specified ID. Specify a negative number to remove doom. See argument information for court member types and culture IDs. If an amount is not specified, the default (999) will be applied. This command changes the owner of the specified province and also makes it a core of the country with the specified country tag. 'civil_war'. The speed you wish to run the game at, a number between 0 and 5. The amount of sailors to add to the specified country. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. The country tag of the country the Chinese Emperor you wish to change the meritocracy of belongs to. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove harmony from. When leagues are created the emperor will be the first to join the catholic side, so the game pauses and you can then be the first to join protestant side. The amount of navy tradition you wish to add. If they are already disabled, running this command will re-enable them. The tag of the country you wish to add authority to. This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. This command will embrace a specified institution within a specified province. Note that this does not add the specified amount of corruption to a country - it sets the corruption to the number entered. This debug command writes to the games log (game.log in installation directory) the amount of times that powerspend has been executed. If you do not specify a country tag here, aggressive expansion from all countries for the first specified country will be cleared. The first country tag is for the country you wish to clear the aggressive expansion towards. The tag of the country you wish to integrate into another. If a country tag is specified, the country with this tag will instead have their diplomatic power changed. The amount of local autonomy you wish to add to the specified province. This command sets the specified consort flag for the specified country tag. The ID of the province flag you wish to clear. incident [shinto incident id] [country tag], insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id], religious_school [religious school id] [country tag]. The country tag to remove the casus belli from. The date you wish to set the game date to. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for memory leaks. The tag of the country you wish to add/remove war exhaustion from. This command makes one country protectorate another. armylog.txt), a log of the reevaluation will be saved to this file (which can then be found in your game's installation directory). If not specified, the country you're playing as will be affected. This command enables and disables (toggles) the collision box debug information being drawn on the screen. Casus Belli IDs This debug command will refresh to performance counter for knowledge. Optional. Negative numbers will remove authority. The ID of the province you wish to change the base unrest of. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. The tag of the country you wish to be the aggressor (start the war). The name of the file containing the commands you wish to run. This command starts a pirate within the province with the specified ID. To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. The name of the newly created heavy flagship (i.e. The country tag of the country imposing aggressive expansion on the first specified country. This command prints a list of all console commands to the game.log file. This command will toggle AI for the specified minister (see argument information for IDs). The amount of unrest (advancement) you wish to add. The name/ID of the window you wish to open or close. This debug command runs the code test with the specified code test ID. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. If game controller support is enabled, typing this command will turn it off. The country tag of the country you wish for the opinion to come from. If not specified, the country you are playing as will become the overlord. If you specify a country tag, the age of the heir of that country will be changed. A number. If not specified, the effects of this command will be applied to the country you are currently playing as. The tag of the country you wish to make this a core of. The ID of the province you wish to change the base production of. Optional. This command enables and disables (toggles) smooth frame logging. This command will kill the ruler of the specified country. The country tag of the country you wish to add points to all powers for. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. The country tag of the country that you wish to find out the neighbor status of (whether or not the country you are playing as is a neighbor). Specify a negative number to remove army tradition. If you specify a second country tag, the consort will be of that nationality. Optional - the amount of government ability points to add. Base production efficiency is the multiplier used in the calculation for province production income, trade value, and goods produced. Optional.The country tag of the country you wish to add to the innovativeness of. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. Base tax is used in the calculation for province tax income. This command sets the specified global flag. Hover over the faction you wish to add unrest to: the first number is the CID type. The name of the file, placed in the game's Documents folder (Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV), that you wish to run all commands within (with extension). The name of the newly created light flagship (i.e. The amount of army professionalism to add. This command can be used to change the speed the game runs at. If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. The ID of the mission you wish to toggle mission completion for. The amount of harmony you wish to add. The ID of the province to set the missionary progress for. The country tag of the country you wish to add the casus belli to. remove_cb [casus belli id] [country tag] [country tag]. Optional. This command adds the specified amount of trust (from your current country) to the specified country tag. The amount of karma you wish to add to the specified country. The colonized province will become a core with the province's original characteristics (like religion and culture). This command re-initiates the chat (reloads the chat). The amount of reform progress with you wish add. add_prosperity [province id] [progress %]. england: ENG. This command will find and print a list of commands with the specified text in their name or description. Use the command 'frenzy_off' to disable. declare_war [country tag] [country tag] [call allies]. Optional. The most direct way is by forcing a PU on one of the smaller monarchical electors (Saxony or Palatinate most likely). The tag of the country you wish to add or remove administrative power to/from. This is a debug command - it tests a specified mission. Here is the alphabetic list of all of the console commands for Europa Universalis IV. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. This is a debug command - it tests the specified achievement. add_idea_group [idea group key] [country tag]. EU4 exploits are a core part of the game. EU4 patch 1.13 YEREN into Qing true one tag (no CN) AAR: For the horde! This is a toggle command. This is because achievements are only available in. This command adds a specified amount of doom to a country (of the Nahuatl religion). It is 'located' in the Papal States, but is separate from the country and can reform elsewhere by event if the country no longer exists, via event for any Catholic theocracy with more than one province . This console command sets the religious school for the country with the specified country tag. This command removes a country from your country's interest. If your country has a Defender of the Faith for its religion, this command will remove the title. The number you wish for the combat dice to always land on. Specify a negative value to remove Republican Tradition. PATREON JOIN TWITCH http://twitch.ludiethisto. This command adds the specified amount of devastation to the specified province. unexplored) parts of the map. One province minors are particularly useful. This command will print a list of flags for the province with the specified ID to the console. The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). If the specified province is a territory, it will be made into a state - if it is a state, it will be made into a territory. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. The amount of favor you wish to add. add_local_autonomy [province id] [amount]. This command will make a permanent claim of a province for the specified country. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of favor for (the amount of favor towards your country, that is). doom [amount] [country tag] DLC: El Dorado. This command removes the limitation that restricts amount of major missions you can choose from. The ID of the province you wish to remove a claim from. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove prestige from. Optional. The ID of the province you wish to view province flags for. This command removes a casus belli (specified by its ID and the two country tags involved). It's a lot easier than it used to be, but you need to be fairly small.. no more than about 3 provinces maximum. This console command will create a heavy ship with the specified name and abilities as a flagship. The country tag of the country that you wish to send the insult to. Legacy Wikis. This command sets your country's sprite level. For country tags, see our. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for GPU memory leaks. The country tag of the country you wish to add the specified amount of money to. The country tag of the country you wish to add navy tradition to. This command reloads the specified file. The country tag of the country you wish to add Revolutionary Zeal to. The country tag of the country that you wish to send the insult. This console command sets the age of your ruler to the specified amount of years. 5 is fastest, 0 is stopped (paused). age_consort [years] [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. This command adds the faction with the specified name to the country you are currently playing as. The console in Europa Universalis 4 with monarch point cheats entered The console is only accessible in non-ironman games without the aid of a mod or Cheat Engine. This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. This command reloads the texture with the specified name. This console command sets the devotion of the country with the specified tag to the specified amount. country_modifier [country tag] [modifier id]. The ability ID of an ability you wish to add to the newly created heavy flagship. If the province is already a center of trade, its level will be adjusted to the specified level. If specified, this command will change the age of the ruler belonging to the country with this country tag. Sender. If a country tag is specified as an argument, this command will apply to the country with that tag. Instant colonization, as you might've guessed, makes colonization instant. This command will reset the debug timer (after it has been started with the 'timer_start' command). add_permanent_claim [province id] [country tag]. This command reloads the game's trade winds. and EU4 patch 1.09 RYUKYU one tag AAR: The Three mountains! This command adds the specified amount of authority to either your own country or the country with the specified tag. The admiral's Maneuver rating, a number from 0-6. This command can be used to change the age of the game to Age of Exploration, Age of Reformation, Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolution. The province must be part of a colony. The ID of the province you wish to add population ID. This command kills the first cardinal (in the cardinal list) of the specified country. The country tag to add trust to (trust is added from the country you are currently playing as). event [event id] [country tag] [option id]. Use the tag command to resume playing again. what you want it to be called). A number. This command can be used to add to the reform level of the Holy Roman Empire. A country tag. The country tag of the Buddhist country you wish to change the karma of. When an emperor is elected, he gets an event to choose his imperial agenda. The country tag of the country you wish to remove from your country's interest. If you don't specify a country tag as the second argument, this command will appy to the country that you are playing as. The ID of the trait you wish to remove from your ruler. This is a debug command. Note that this command only works for provinces that are a part of a colony. Optional. This command will add the specified amount of diplomatic power to your country. This command will make the game attempt to reduce the amount of RAM (memory) it is using. The admiral's Siege rating, a number from 0-6. Cheat Codes While ingame, hit (the key under ESC for some ppl), ALT+21 on the numpad to access the console. Optional. The command makes the specified country the march of the second specified country. The amount of points you wish to add to all powers. Similar to estate agendas, if it's completed, a bonus is applied (not automatically tho, it is a decision). This command will give the Pope the Golden Bull with the specified ID. army_drill [amount] [country tag] DLC: Cradle of Civilization. flagship_heavy [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. harmony [amount] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. This command can add or remove money (ducats) from your country's (or a specified country's) treasury. The ID of the province you wish to claim for your current country (or another country if you specify a country tag after). This command makes the province with the specified ID become a backer (in support) of the current issue that is running in parliament. This is a toggle command that turns instant colonization on and off. Specify a negative number to remove population. This console command will clear all government reforms for the country with the specified country tag. The country tag of the country that the first country is a march of. This command updates the localisation file for the specified language tag (e.g. Specify 'open' here to open the specified window, 'close' to close it (no quote marks). This console command starts the incident with the specified ID for the country with the specified country tag. If not specified, the admiral will be added to the country you are currently playing as. Optional. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of vertex textures in the game map. If you do not specify a country tag here, the consort within your current country will be killed. The amount of spy network points to add. Specify a negative amount to subtract. This command sets the base manpower (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. This command prints information about the game's texture usage to the console. This debug command prints a list of test entities for all nations to the local_temp.log file which can be found at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs. This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. To dismantle the Holy Roman Empire in EU4, follow these steps: Step 1: Ally as Many Electors and Possible Step 2: Declare War on the Emporer Without Casus Belli Step 3: Besiege Austria's Capital, this will give the option to Dismantle the HRE Step 4: Dismantle the HRE Step 5 Step 1: Ally as Many Electors and Possible The level you wish to set your country's isolationism to. This involves joining the HRE (Holy. May crash the game. This command can be used to set the unity of a country's horde to a specified value. This command prints a specified amount of random RGB (color) values to the game.log file. If specified, the country with this tag will have their army reevaluated. This command will add or remove war exhaustion from a specified country. Specify negative numbers to remove imperial authority. This command toggles (enables and disables) fog of war (FoW). This is a toggle command. If not specified, the liberty desire of the country you are currently playing as will be changed. This command will set the warscore of all wars your country is currently engaged in to 100%. The ID of the province you wish to set the AI's invasion target to. This command will set your country's military leader's trait to the trait with the specified trait ID. A number. The amount added is equal to the number specified multiplied by 100: an amount of 1 would add 100 natives. This is the date you wish to pause the game at. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. Court member IDs: The ID of the culture you wish to set the court member's to. This command can be used to toggle (enable and disable) AI for either all nations, or a specified country. example: tag CAS (changes the country you are playing to castile (if it exists)) example 2: tag ARA (changes the country you are playing to aragon (if it exists)) example 3: tag TUR (changes the country you are playing to the ottomans (if it exists)) some country tags: france: FRA. Use clr_flag to remove. This command enables and disables (toggles) god mode. The amount of military power you wish to add. Otherwise, it will disable it. 'echo test 123' would print 'test 123' to the console. This command will add the specified amount of Republican Tradition to the country with the specified country tag. This command sets the isolation level (0 - 4) of the country you are playing as to the specified number. The tag of the country you wish to add manpower to. In this EU4 guide or EU4 tutorial I show you how to form the HRE (including revoking the privilegia) BEFORE 1500! This command reloads all strait vertex buffers. The tag of the country to do the 'vassalizing' - if not specified, this will be your current country. This debug command starts a log for all crownland changes for the country with the specified country tag. Running this command without any arguments adds 999 diplomatic power to your country. The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. A protectorate is a country that is protected and controlled by another. If you do not specify a country tag as a second argument, the command will apply to the devotion of the country you are currently playing as. This command sets the specified flag for the province with the specified ID. The ID of the province to toggle state/territory status for. The country you were playing as before will be controlled by AI. This command can be used to generate/randomize a new part of the map. If you do not specify a value here, this will default to 5000.
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