gerund as object complement

gets the direct object. WebGerund phrases that work as the subject complement. There are four ways (or places) of using a gerund phrase:1. So, 'striking' is a gerund, and the gerund phrase, 'striking a pose,' functions as a direct object in this sentence. He started Required Visits & Extra Credit Direct link to Ashish B's post I think you are correct b, Posted 4 years ago. Explanations with examples are provided in the sections below. In general, there are four different ways that we use gerunds: as subjects, subject complements, direct objects, and objects of prepositions. How to identify a gerund phrase? WebA gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Lets say the sentence was, Some people consider my interest in gardening to be an obsession. Or, My interest in gardening is considered, by some people, an obsession. Now what? 'Running' is the subject, and since it's a verb ending in -ing that is acting like a noun by being the subject, then it is a gerund. Now, we know a gerund phrase works as a noun and functions as the following: the subject, the object of a verb, the object of a preposition, and the subject complement. So here, the verb 'striking' is a gerund functioning as a direct object, and the full gerund phrase is 'striking a pose'. ), which are available for the discerning speaker. 114 7 "v+o" is not a structure; I have no idea what you mean, unless you're just saying that these infinitive clauses are object complements of the verbs permit, forbid, and order, in which case you're correct. The music instructor taught the students singing. Direct link to Polina Viti's post Yes, that works! [collecting : complement of 'is'] [washing : complement of 'is'] 3. To turn a verb into a gerund, all you need to do is add -ing to the base form of a verb. A gerund phrase starts with a gerund (a word ending with ing) and works as a noun in a sentence. They, sometimes, get confused between a gerund phrase and a present participle phrase. Compare the verbals in these two sentences: In the first sentence, the gerund crying serves as the direct object. Now, it has a gerund, an object of the gerund, and a modifying phrase. Like nouns, gerunds can be the subject, object or complement of a sentence: Smoking costs a lot of money. In such situations, gerunds and infinitives are not normally interchangeable. Were Vs. Were: Were Here To Explain The Difference, Freshmen Or Freshman: When To Use Each One, What Is A Gerund? You could try Googling exploring gerunds and gerund phrases for example, take the first one, and see how you get on. This is the form that ends in ing. ', Using a gerund as an object of a preposition means we're using a preposition, like 'before,' which is a word or group of words that shows direction, location, time, or to introduce an item. Running everyday can help you lose weight.2. "Thank you, Rory, for sending me the gift card!" Some people consider my interest in gardening an obsession. In the case of Althea threw me a frisbee, the pronoun me is the indirect object. Does the indirect object ALWAYS at the middle of the sentence? David out. Nordquist, Richard. Let's look at a couple of examples of how a gerund is used as a subject. Nouns & Verbs Functions & Examples | What are Nouns & Verbs? the complete sentence is just giving it more embodiment. However, gerunds and participles serve different functions in sentences. A noun phrase (regular) is headed by a regular noun and a gerund phrase is headed or starts with a gerund (V1+ing), both they function as a noun. 2 College Hill Rosie, would you read me In this sentence, the word 'Running' is the subject. Is it in some form an adverb which describes the verb gave? gave Louie a gift card, Louie is the indirect object. When making a gerund, there are a few things to watch out for: As with present participles, sometimes we double a final consonant when making a gerund. The four types of gerunds and gerund phrases follow: 1. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The direct object; The indirect object; The subject complement; The object complement; The object of preposition ; Heres an example of a gerund as the subject As far as the grammar issue, however, if I had nothing else to do but eat bonbons, I would probably take your advice and sit down and tackle grammar. indirect objects less so. Your blog is also really great help (I just couldnt leave any comment on it though: how can I contact you?). A participle may be followed by an object, an adverb, a prepositional phrase, an adverb clause, or any combination of these. Whats really fun is to ride my bike. Tuesday 11:00-10:00 PM The aim is learning good English. Object complement an obsession. A gerund phrase cant do that. Here are some examples: His interest is blogging about traveling. Rule of thumb: Independent clause/Dependent clause. The subject of the sentence is exercising because it is what the sentence is about. ID: 2260135. Kara Wilson is a 6th-12th grade English and Drama teacher. Good article, Mark! A gerund phrase is a phrase that includes the gerund, its objects, and its modifiers. Only if they function as a noun in a sentence we can call them a gerund. Also, check out reduced adverb clauses. Direct link to is's post "Thank you, Rory, for sen, Posted 6 years ago. So, nothing can be in front of the subject? The gerund as subject The use of the gerund The (The gerund phrase is gardening an obsession.), 4. Direct object my interest in gardening He is known for breaking down complex English topics and making them easy to be understood. What gives? ), I am enjoying my gardening this year. My favourite occupation is reading. Gerunds sound more natural and would be more common in everyday English. How To Avoid Plagiarism And Prove Your Research & Writing Are Topnotch. Here is an example: "Exercising is a way to strengthen your heart." So, its a big sign that tells us these are not working as present participle phrases though they have all the elements to act like them. We can use the word swimming in a sentence as a noun to refer to the act of moving around in water as in Swimming is fun. and refer back to the subject Heres an example of a gerund being used as the subject complement of a sentence: As a reminder, subject complements come after linking verbs (like is, are, was, and can be) and describe the subject. The direct object is the thing that the subject acts upon, so in that last sentence, cereal is the direct object; its the thing Jake ate. I dont like writing. You can usually identify the present participle by looking for any form of the helping verb be. For example: The above sentence uses the present participle, not a gerund. To me, its simply not clear. . My love is writing poems. What's that about? It can have both sometimes.3. Gerunds created from linking verbs can be used with predicate nouns and predicate adjectives. Test your writing with Editor's free grammar checker. In this case, reading answers what her father enjoys doing. - [Voiceover] But, as subjects, direct object, and indirect objects, you can learn anything. Notice that the infinitive is an unrealized action, a possibility that may WebGerunds are nouns derived from verbs. Note: A gerund phrase is a type of a noun phrase. Compare the verbals in these two sentences: I have received several awards for my gardening. Uses of a Gerund. - [Voiceover] Hello, grammarians. Take it here! While verbs are words that describe actions or states of being, and nouns are words that refer to a person, place, or thing, gerunds are often used to discuss ideas or concepts rather than specific actions. Is it possible to find irregular ones in other languages? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. not + main verb + -ing. After reviewing the detailsof the case, thecourt pronounced the boy not guilty. Okay, so we've got this, It's the manner in which But For each of the following sentences, decide if the word or phrase in italics is a participle, a gerund, or an infinitive. The subject complement is normally a noun or an adjective that defines or renames the subject in some way. Heres an example of a gerund being used as the object complement: Object complements describe or rename the direct object. Object of the preposition4. Is It St. The gift card has a (The awards have been given for the results of the activity. Gerunds are verbs that end in -ing and function as nouns. Thank you fie your explanation. Comparative Form Words & Examples | What is Comparative Form? In practice, this means that gerunds and gerund phrases can be the subject of sentences/clauses or be the subject complement connected to the subject by an auxiliary verb (helping verb). WebAbout. 22 lessons. objects and people, but then we have this other A gerund is a verb form that acts like a noun. (accessed May 1, 2023). (formal or philosophical). A gerund is a verb that functions as a noun, rather than an action, as most verbs do. A verbal is a verb that acts like a part of speech other than a verb. A participial phrase is made up of a participle and its modifiers. Heres an example of a gerund as the subject of a sentence: Heres an example of a gerund used as the direct object: As a reminder, the direct object answers who or what and receives the action. Now you have the tips you need to use and identify gerunds with confidence. Webinfinitive or gerund (e.g, to have been seenis a Perfect Passive Infinitive, having introducedis a Perfect Gerund, etc. the object that she gave. The direct object of the sentence is playing dress-up because that is what is loved. A gerund, which functions as a noun, can consist of a single word or a phrase. I will never understand it. Forget about adverb and prepositional phrases. A verb that acts like another part of speech is called a verbal. a recipient of something, so it's like another thing in a sentence that might be acted upon. Since it's a verb ending in -ing that is acting like a noun by being the subject, it's a gerund. Direct link to David Alexander's post Your sample sentence, "Ja, Posted 4 years ago. For example, in the sentence Feeling confident, she sang with passion, the participle phrase feeling confident modifies the pronoun she. Direct link to David Alexander's post You are trying to make up, Posted 2 years ago. Student Accessibility Support Services Lets look at a few more sentences. But Im too old to learn grammar! The sentence could also read, "Wanda (subject) gave (verb) Louie (indirect object) a card (direct object). By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Tips for Online Appointments I do my gardening in the morning I = my gardening? Gerunds are formed by adding -ing at the end of the verb. Its the Office you know, plus the tools to help you work better together, so you can get more doneanytime, anywhere. - [Voiceover] Right. (The phrase gardening in the morning is the subject complement.). Subject Complement | What is a Subject Complement? The base form is the form of a verb you will find if you look up a verb in our dictionary. I love playing cricket. - [Voiceover] So, you know, as a sentence, we could just But when its a gerund, we are using it as a noun, so then it is serving another grammatical function. The four types of gerunds and gerund phrases follow: 1. Direct link to FrozenPhoenix45's post They can't be questions i. Gerunds are verbs that end in "ing." (A) In my opinion Some people consider my interest in gardening an obsession is correct. This means that gerunds can only do the same jobs that nouns do: act as subjects, subject complements, and objects. Rosie, what is a direct object? (Contrast it with the first example in that section: My favorite hobby is gardening.). Here are 5 examples of gerund phrases (bold):1. WebVerbal noun as the complement of the verb TO BE 1. A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions in a sentence as a noun. Known as "the father of the Texas blues," Blind Lemon Jefferson was a popular entertainer in the 1920s. Subject Complement He is clever at teaching Geometry. (Replace the gerund phrase with a noun to check if it really works as a noun.). Subject complements follow a linking verb and provide additional information about the subject of the sentence. A noun phrase is a phrase that functions as a noun in a sentence. Usually, the main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive. (The direct object of the subject is my gardening this year.), 3. Can second sentence be written as "Althea threw a Frisbee at me" ? no longer what we would traditionally consider an indirect object. uses the gerund 'gardening' to rename or explain the subject. - [Voiceover] And the indirect object is the recipient of that direct object, it's the thing that It will either have an object or a modifier after the gerund. I want to achieve it through not. You may also see them in a sentence as a gerund phrase, which begins with the gerund and includes modifiers and/or objects. From there, we could create a sentence like 'Please have some breakfast before leaving. A gerund is a word that is formed by addingingat the end of an action verb. A gerund phrase functions as a noun in a sentence. 1. Playing dress-up is a gerund phrase. - [Voiceover] So, a direct object is the main thing in the sentence that is being acted upon, so in this sentence, Chris ate cereal, cereal would be the direct object, because it's the thing being acted upon, it's being eaten. Example 1: Lighting the candles helped the mood. However, not all words ending in -ing are gerunds. "The Difference Between Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives." I know what a gerund is; that is, I can recognize one when I see one. I am not scared of fighting him in Dubai. The entire phrase works as a noun. Gardening in the summertime, I built up a resistance to hot weather is not correct. Who's doing the throwing? In the words of Ian Anderson (of Jethro Tull) I am too old to rock n roll but too young to die. Its Synonym Swap will find the best nouns, adjectives, and more to help say what you really mean, guiding you toward clearer, stronger, writing. An object complement can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective. For more advice grammatical elements that you might have forgotten about, check out these writing tips. When a gerund is used as a subject complement, it follows a linking verb and it usually renames or defines the subject in some way. Direct link to Mrudangi 's post Can second sentence be wr, Posted 7 years ago. Tips for Online Appointments, The Center for Experience and Opportunity. Take gerunds for example: they look a lot like verbs but they dont act like them at all. @thebluebird11 Thanks for giving me a good chuckle :)). For example, consider the following sentence: "The dog destroyed the couch." Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises!

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