japanese cyberpunk names

In 2040 the Japan's manufacturing companies have taken the world by storm and produced cars, motorcycles, AVs, and so on at mass. Total breakdown of international trade. They want to threaten the status quo, corps lifestyle, so they look dramatic. It is the capital city of Osaka Prefecture and the largest part of the Keihanshin Metropolitan Area, the second largest metropolitan area in Japan and among the largest in the world with more than 31 million inhabitants. Webcyberpunk city name generatordoes baby secret lotion lighten skin. [5][6] They also have strong trade relations with the NUSA and helps keep their economy stable.[1]. The European Economic Community was established in '92, and Japan was the only superpower outside of Europe to join, along with France, Germany, Italy, and the UK. [2], Japan is a highly urbanized society, with 90% of the people living in urban city landscapes. Due to the large North-South extension of the country, the climate varies strongly in different regions. 52% of Koreans think of Japan as "the enemy," and 53% think that the SDF is the dangerous, metal-clad reincarnation of the Imperial Armies. Japan is also part of the Pacific Rim, with land facing the Pacific, relatively high levels of industrialization and urbanization indicating high levels of economic development, and huge imports/ exports which move mainly across the Pacific. [3], In 2020 journalist from the NUSA went to determine the actual status of the zaibatsus in Tokyo by interviewing around 10 million salarymen in the Sunrise City itself, home to many of the largest Megacorporations in the world. With the peace treaty that went into effect in 1952, the occupation ended. Wired A name that suggests a connection to advanced technology and the ability to manipulate it to ones advantage. Several people were arrested and sentenced to death for late-night Stinger Missile attacks on passing airplanes. Hypernova This name suggests a city that is a beacon of innovation and progress, with technology advancing at an exponential rate. However after WW2, the American Occupation Forces forced the disband of the zaibatsus. The city is also the country's largest port to the west. The Japanese calendar is also determined by the current Emperor, the era being named after them. WebDonjon Cyberpunk Corporation Names Generator. China and Korea fear the power and influence the SDF has on the pacific rim. In the Vicki business, a plethora of services exist for all bends of life, and new ones are invented every day. Others are patronized by the average corporate office worker who after a long day in the office needs a couple of drinks, snacks and laughs. The name was given literally to describe the lifestyle associated with the fashion style. Famous braindance producer, Hideyoshi Oshima, had strived to create real emotionally touching human experiences within his BD studio in Tokyo. The military is strong and advanced, however still outnumbered. It is known for its abundant nature, beautiful rivers, and wonderful, The Kyushu region includes both Kyushu island and Okinawa islands. Japan No technique or activity was reproached until the Meji era. This is why so much of the popular entertainment revolves around Bosozoku and other "maniacs." The corporation attempts to amend it's relations with the, Hananko Arasaka works on a new version of the. After the Wasting Plague had torn through Europe and the United States in 1999, finally in the year 2000 a vaccine in Japan was created to end the conflict. The album had mixed reviews from critics, but topped the charts in Japan. The Japanese do as they must: being polite and studious during school, while going wild afterwards. Nexus As mentioned earlier, this name suggests a city that is a hub of connectivity and innovation, with a diverse array of cultures and factions. Shadow City: A dark and mysterious city filled with secrets and intrigue. The court turned the case down because "Such a case is not suitable for administrative litigation. Nexus A name that suggests a connection between different people or factions, making this character a powerful mediator or manipulator. Kobe () is the seveth-largest city in Japan and the capital city of Hygo Prefecture. After a couple of promotions, they can relax, and look like all other corps.[3]. Dungeons & Dragons NPCs >. [5] The Hokkaido Training Camp is the main training facility of thousands of potential recruits. In 1960, Saburo Arasaka took control of the Arasaka Corporation. Bunnies and kittens are kawaii. Because Japan is located in a region, where several continental plates meet, the country experiences frequent earthquakes. It consists of 47 prefectures distributed into 8 regions, as well as various territorial possessions across the globe and is one of the largest economic and military superpowers in world. Honne is the honest face, this is the face most of the people use around their friends and family, also co-workers as well at an Izakaya will often use their honne among each other. The products are famous for being reliable. Population Many Megacorps collapse. In the 1990s, Japan was also offered a position in the European Economic Community due to their rising status as a leading superpower, however in 2015 after years of manipulation and mutual sabotage led to them being removed. They wield more financial power than any other single corporation and use subversive tactics such as blackmail, extortion, and bribery to influence the world around them. Personal Use Free 124k downloads Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction that often portrays a futuristic, dystopian society characterized by advanced technology and a breakdown of social order. Nova: Latin for new, also used to describe a sudden brightening of a star. Blaze A name that suggests a person who is always on fire, whether its with anger or passion. The verb of this is Kabu-ku, to look crazy, or to borrow and vogue another personality vividly. Simply click again to get 10 new random names. Crush This name suggests someone who is strong and unstoppable, with a talent for crushing obstacles. Cyber Samurai A name that combines traditional Japanese warrior culture with cutting-edge technology. Especially in the music world, you'll see many famous Japanese rockers with feminine bio-sculpts, big hair, and make-up, wearing lace and leather. Blackout A name that suggests a sudden and overwhelming loss of power or control, perfect for a character who disrupts the status quo. Cyberpunk names often reflect the futuristic, dystopian, and high-tech nature of the genre. In 1986 she released the solo EP Soil, complete with cyber-girl front cover and the absolutely jaw-dropping Erewhon, which in a way is the 80s equivalent of Tentenkos Kuruma. Saburo Arasaka lived well into his 150s, while still reaming in control of his company. For the first time, regional dominance in East Asia shifted from. Even in Sumo, where big, beefy men rule, we are always happy to see a smaller man win.". Furthermore, Shinto and the state were clearly separated.[2]. In the story, the computer that controls the city falls in love with another computer! When the power was taken away from the Shogun and samurai, and given to the Emperor and the merchants. Japan has an ancient culture with many traditions. This resulted in their surrender. Southern China's population explodes as everyone from the wheat-growing north moves to the rice-growing south. Biopunk This name suggests a focus on bioengineering and genetic manipulation, with a darker and more sinister twist. Hex This name suggests someone who is skilled in curses and hexes, with a talent for bringing bad luck to their enemies. "The soft overcomes the hard" are the words of Kano Jigoro, the creator of Judo: "Dexterity, quickness, and skill are important, if you simply must fight. Static Shadow A name that suggests a band with an edgy, futuristic sound, filled with distorted synths and pounding drums. Final Fantasy XIV >. Vex Short for vexation, this name suggests someone who is a troublemaker or a thorn in the side of authority. Neo-Tokyo A name that pays homage to the iconic cyberpunk setting from the Akira manga and anime. Prime Minister Jirou Kikuchi had put its Self Defense Force on alert readying for the inevitable attacks on Arasaka assets. Mascots, names, clothes, and idols all strive to be kawaii. Tetra Ataraxia Detective Inspector Android Mother Board Geen Terra Luna Vampyros Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories It is half as valuable as the Eurodollar.[6]. It's based on information from all the officially published Cyberpunk 2013 and Cyberpunk 2020 rule books and sourcebooks.[5][6][3]. It is Japan's fourth-largest incorporated city and the third-most-populous urban area. Matrix a virtual reality system. Japan has one of the largest populations, and is the most populated island in the world. Tokyo forms part of the Kanto region on the southeastern side of Japan's main island, Honshu, and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. Arasaka dominates much of Japan's politics, economy, and policing, and has enjoyed fluctuating control over much of the "third world" - a term commonly assigned to United States of America[1][4] - throughout the 21st century. Annual cherry blossom festival in Sendai is interrupted due to a 7.1 Earthquake that ended in a tsunami that struck the North eastern part of Japan. Night City Made famous by the Cyberpunk 2077 video game, this name suggests a city that comes alive at night, with a vibrant nightlife and dangerous underbelly. Nightfall City: A city that comes alive at night, with entertainment and excitement around every corner. Finally, their weapons development and manufacturing division can be found in SegAtari's own Virtual Reality Interface (VRI) utilized by ACPA's. Rogue This name suggests someone who is rebellious and defiant, living life on their own terms. Using names that suggest rebellion or anti-establishment attitudes, such as Rogue or Vex. All companies from the same zaibatsu would also use the same banks. ago. [13], Japanese Prime Minister,Pacific Rim Sourcebook, The government of Japan is a constitutional monarchy in which the power of the Emperor is limited and is relegated primarily to ceremonial duties. Rumors circulated of Arasaka developing new line of reflex boosters that would last twice as long as the current models on the market. Collection of fonts for Cyberpunk fonts. [3] The traditional definition of zaibatsu actually depends on two factors: Historically, a zaibatsu is a family that holds control of multiple companies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even if they have problems with their boss, politicians, or other socitical concerns Tatamae is the face of someone who does not act on emotion. Takanaka is popular clothing brand that tailors more to corporates. Most families in Japan are nuclear families. [3], The economy of Japan is a highly developed free-market economy. WebCyberpunk name generator Mosella Ponson Zed Tell Phoenix Kacker Chang Mechsmith Azerty Newton Aki Letterhead Jago Mwatcher Kika Slag Ceedee Vclinton Rosie This generator randomly creates unique city names for you to use in your cyberpunk story, game or project. Extreme pressure on salarymen can lead to death by overwork, or karshi. Some accused Kano of doping, others say he had connections with the Yakuza. Arcadia This name suggests a city that is a haven for rebels and outcasts, a place where anything is possible. As of 2077, the population of Japan is over 145,000,000 including approximately five million foreign residents and refugees. The old Sorayama 2-D are still a big influence over here. Cyberpunk names often follow a few common conventions, including: Overall, cyberpunk names tend to be edgy, unique, and memorable, with a strong emphasis on individual. This also minimizes financial risk, but management freedom is severely limited by the needs of those up the line. Cygnus: Refers to a constellation in the night sky. Despite this the Japanese mainland still allowed Arasaka to hold on to most of its assets due to its strong alliance with the official government. [3], As you know, most courageous way to live is the way of Bushi-do; the way of a warrior and the Samurai's life. Both Japanese government and General I deny the reports. After the Collapse, the US economy and political power took a dive. However, Geisha are also kawaii. A nice name generator (fantasy name gen, gang nsmws) Story Shack gang names. During the Meji Restoration, Japan became an industrial giant. The corruption Arasaka brought on the government was soon taken away due to the effects of FACS, as the Bald Hill political scandal occurred later that year and 60% of the Diet were arrested for bribery charges. Because being busted is very easy, many wear shades, masks, and bright make-up to hide their identity. Aura Tug Change Blunder Cause Ironhide Gibby Onyx Trigger Crystal if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tagvault_org-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-large-leaderboard-2-0');Cyberpunk Names and Meanings: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tagvault_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Cyberpunk Names Male: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tagvault_org-leader-3','ezslot_12',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-leader-3-0');Here is a list of 100+ cyberpunk names for both males and females: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tagvault_org-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_18',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-narrow-sky-2-0');Cyberpunk-Sounding Names: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tagvault_org-netboard-2','ezslot_20',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-netboard-2-0');Funny Cyberpunk Names: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tagvault_org-square-1','ezslot_30',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-square-1-0');Cyberpunk Nomad Names: Cyberpunk Town Names (Cyberpunk City Names): Overall, Cyberpunk names reflect a world where technology, rebellion, multiculturalism, and dystopia collide, creating a unique and edgy identity. Cyberpunk Japanase City, Dark Night, Slum City This virtual download digital painting is a stylish addition to any cyberpunk themed room. JapaneseKoreansSouth AmericansChinese Axon A term used in neuroscience to mean a nerve fiber, this name suggests a character who is intelligent and perceptive. Self Defense Force 238,000 It depicts a ramshackle Japanese street, with glowing screens and futuristic characters in the background, and creates an immersive ambiance. Vex A name that suggests a character who is both edgy and rebellious, with a talent for challenging authority and breaking the rules. For a while, up to the 70s, Japan was pretty uptight too, but at the end 19th century, people loosened up again. Imperial University of Kyoto established. Sylph Meaning airy spirit, this name could represent a character who is elusive and hard to pin down, like a ghost in the machine. The US military also remained an ally. 4. The media provided fantastic coverage, and the SDF received many applicants for Trooper positions. Osaka () is a designated city in the Kansai region of Japan. After the Korean War, and accelerated by it, the recovery of Japan's economy flourished. Neo Short for new, this name is a classic in the cyberpunk genre and suggests someone who is a trailblazer or a revolutionary. Almost all girls are into kawaii things, and some go kind of overboard. This is an intelligent pick for a futuristic cyberpunk name. 8. Eric (Old Norse origin) meaning "sole king"; the name of a hacker in 'Bleeding Edge'. 9. Gunnar (Norse origin) meaning "fighter"; from a character in the cyberpunk comic 'Singularity 7'. The country has the highest per-capita consumption of cybernetics of any country in the world, and is at the forefront of research and design. WebCategories. In 2017, new ACPA were rolled out simultaneously by Mitsubishi-Sugo and Arasaka. This is a purse (like a clutch purse) that you can attach to your stylish belt. "Mariah" is a cute name, but it would work better for a character who's more reserved than the perpetually intense Mao. In 2002, the Food Crash wiped out wheat crops worldwide. Omega City: A city on the brink of collapse, where the rich and powerful rule over the poor and oppressed. Education is compulsory only for the nine years of elementary and middle school, but 98% of students go on to high school. Cyberia: A city that exists entirely in virtual reality, where people can live out their wildest fantasies. After the death of Saburo Arasaka was reported and made public by the Arasaka Corporation, many of Japanese public payed respects and mourned the death of the man who helped in the rebuild of the country during the 1970s and 1980s. Appears in Phoenix Named after the mythical bird that rises from the ashes, this name suggests someone who is resilient and unstoppable. The solos are identified as an, The popular TV anime series "Sazae-san" had its 50th anniversary. Bosozoku Bosozokus, or , can be translated to mean "motorcycle gang", but more closely means "violent run tribe". Newly developed cities like that of Night City have a huge influence of Japanese culture and are often built by the Japanese corporations. Tech Noir This name suggests a fusion of technology and film noir, with a focus on crime and corruption in a futuristic world. Known as a manufacturer of cheap cars, and is very common brand found in the US. The Anime Braindances and VRs are also perfect examples. Nagoya is a manufacturing and transportation giant, with the largest manufacturing of trains and cars. As well as ties to the Government itself to gain full control over the country, however this has proven to be very difficult with the the founding of the FACS political party which started an anti-corporate (aka Arasaka) government was formed from this to prevent further interference from the power hungry corporates. The Arasaka Corporation still limited to the Japanese mainland continues operations. The security giant, Arasaka, In Japan people can live well into their 150s, without experiencing illness their whole lives. [2], Japan's timeline and history in cyberpunk. Yakuza follow this too, with their brightly-colored suits, shades, dyed punch-perms and tattoos, not to mention affecting rough, garrulous speech. Its capital, Sendai, is known as the "city of trees" and is home to one of the most popular summer festivals in Japan. From the very beginnings, effeminate heroes have been around. For the same reason, there are many volcanoes and natural hot springs in Japan. An example of this can be seen in producing cars. Japan entered in a war with the US during World War II, despite early success, they were pushed back and later atomic bombs were dropped on major cities. 138 million (2020)[1]145 million (2077)[citation needed] This paper attempts to discuss the Synth A name that suggests a character who is both artificial and powerful, with a talent for using technology to enhance their abilities. The more you look, the more you see it. [3], Sapporo () is the fifth largest city of Japan by population, and the largest city on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Hex A name that suggests a character who is both. It also has one of the large Chinatown with black market goods. [11], In 2045, Elflines Online, an MMO game, was released for the Segotari RUSH REVOLUTION Interactive Braindance headset. Revival of Stanley Kubric's movie sparks space fever. Nexus: Refers to a connection or series of connections linking different things or people. The royalty still continues, rich people, middle class, and the poor. Nightshade a poisonous plant associated with witchcraft and death. Nagoya Transportation begins to use taser-equipped armored trucks and AVs for business. Maven: Refers to an expert or connoisseur of a particular field or subject. Crash Override A cybercriminal who specializes in hacking and destroying corporate systems. They started to import those ideals in the Meji era, when the Victorian gaijin came in the country. It consists of 47 prefectures Post-Cyberpunk This name suggests a newer, more evolved form of cyberpunk, with a focus on the consequences and aftermath of a cybernetic world. Nova A name that suggests a character who is both explosive and unpredictable, with a talent for causing chaos and disruption. Capital The city known for their Rocker and Media talent, mainly comedians. Bone This name suggests someone who is tough and unbreakable, with a talent for enduring punishment. Religion does not play a big role in the everyday life of most Japanese people today. [2], The Japanese Emperor, or Tenno, for most of history has been a figurehead, and was once the closest thing to God. The average person typically follows the religious rituals at ceremonies like birth, weddings and funerals, may visit a shrine or temple on New Year and participates at local festivals (matsuri), most of which have a religious background. The first successful launch of the Lambda 4S rocket places the Japanese Ohsumi satellite on orbit. Neo City A name that suggests a futuristic, technologically advanced metropolis with a strong cyberpunk vibe. All the large cities (with the exception of Kyoto), the industries and the transportation networks were severely damaged. They are so kawaii-and strong. It is also the center of Japan's third-largest metropolitan region, known as the Chky metropolitan area. Zephyr A name that suggests a character who is both fast and agile, with a talent for moving quickly and escaping danger. The explosion was proved to be a bomb that had been planted 3 hours before. Inferno This name suggests a city that is dark and dangerous, with a seedy underworld and a constant threat of violence. Japan has a low unemployment rate of around four percent. Little advancement has kept Kyoto a beautiful traditionally styled city with most buildings being made of wood. Yin-yang theory says that by combing opposites, you become stronger, so maybe androgyny is the perfect style for Nippon. Officially Japan took a neutral stance on the surface. Here are some of the common characteristics of cyberpunk names: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tagvault_org-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_17',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-narrow-sky-1-0');Overall, cyberpunk names are often designed to reflect the unique setting and themes of the genre, while also conveying a sense of immediacy and urgency. 3. anonymousherodotus 10 mo. Cipher A name that suggests a character who is both enigmatic and powerful, with a talent for unraveling complex mysteries. Synthwave This name suggests a retro-futuristic aesthetic, with a blend of 80s nostalgia and cyberpunk themes. The artist who worked on the album were; Yumiko Tanaka, Hanako Sorayama, and Tetsuo Yamaguchi. Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. The society of Japan uses a system of Tatamae and Honne on a daily basis. Japanese are not the largest people in the world, so they know that a big body is not skill, and skill is the way to power. In 1999, the Korean War brought tension in East Asia, but also prosperity. Kaida Meaning little dragon, this name could represent a character who is fierce, powerful, and unafraid. Orion Named after the constellation, this name evokes a sense of vastness and wonder, perfect for a character who is a dreamer or explorer. A typical urban address will read like this: "Apt. Dragonriders of Pern. The Sea of Japan separates the Asian continent from the Japanese archipelago. Kobe has many foreigners and is known as the industrial city in the region. While their are many, this list below shows just a select few of the large and small Corporations that can that are Headquartered in Japan, from Tokyo and Osaka to Nagoya and Fukuoka.[3]. Cyberpunk Japanase City, Dark Night, Slum City This virtual download digital painting is a stylish addition to any cyberpunk themed room. Grim This name suggests someone who is stoic and unyielding, often viewed as a force to be reckoned with. Western Japanese (Kansai-jin), from the Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe sprawl, tend to be more free and down to earth with their honne.[2]. Nova A name that evokes images of explosions and bright flashes of light, perfect for a character who thrives on chaos. Akari Heavy Industries is a Japanese corporation focusing on manufacturing goods. Zenith: Refers to the highest point or peak of something. Skyline A name that suggests a city dominated by towering skyscrapers and advanced transportation systems. Few of the refugees actually spoke Japanese, and most were of a different culture entirety. The climate of the northern island of Hokkaido and the Sea of Japan coast is colder, and snow falls in large amounts. The capital for all this would be gained through the loans by the zaibatsu banks. Travelers often eat from bento boxes, packed lunches that are full of things to eat and available for sale on platforms and trains.

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