revelation 21:8 spurgeon

That near and dear relationship which is manifested in adoption and regeneration, binds the child of God to the great Father's heart in such a way that he will never cast him off, nor suffer him to perish. Christ makes new servants, new masters, new friends, new brothers, new sisters. Who can make but God, the Maker of heaven and earth? These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Why should some of you be living at a penny a day and starving yourselves, when your Father would give you to live like princes of the blood royal if you would but trust him? which passed away at the general judgment, ch. And yet, for all that, Jesus Christ, coming in the form of a man, revealing himself as the Son of God, determines to make all things new; and be assured, brethren and sisters, he will do it. THERE are a great many things we should like to know about heaven. We are equally ashamed of our hates and our prejudices: but these have vanished once for all. Here we do not find any mediatorial kingdom. I do not mean that its rivers, its lakes, its valleys, its mountains are repulsive. For this reason the gospel sets before us another way, and says, "It is of faith, that it might be by grace." The Spurgeon Library | Scriptures | Revelation Revelation 21:22. The day shall come when this world shall be as fair as it was at the primeval Sabbath; when there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness. Now breathe a silent prayer, dear brother, dear sister, to him who makes all things new. "Behold I make all things new" is a mysterious voice from the broken heart of a dying Saviour. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. , 5001 North Oak Trafficway The New Heaven and Earth. Nothing stands outside of that all-surrounding circle. In this respect, we are all children, for we eagerly demand the news of the day, and are all too apt to rush after the "many inventions" of the hour. The old nature needed to be awed with threatenings, or bribed with rewards; the new nature feels the impulse of love. Those who are participants in that covenant cannot invalidate it, for it never did depend upon them, but only upon him who was and is their federal head and representative before God. Contents: The seven new things of the Kingdom age earth, peoples, None can enter int (1) And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and We will. I have known the Lord on a sudden to turn darkness into light, and take away the sackcloth and the ashes from his dear children, for "he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men." observed it before, that Revelation 17:1-18 does not pursue the First, if the Lord Jesus makes all things new, then a new birth is possible to you, dear friend, though you have come here to-night in a wrong state of heart, with your sins upon you, binding you fast. Oh that you may not be left to wander with Ishmael, the son of the bondwoman! Though often disappointed, they are still ready to be caught by the same bait, and, like the Athenians of Mars Hill, spend their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing. Climb the sides of the hills, ascend into the Alps, and you will not meet with that kind of thing in the pure fresh air. 20:4; Revelation 20:11, in a succession. A world where every man would have been a priest, and every house a temple, and every garment a vestment, and every meal a sacrifice, and every place holiness to the Lord, for the tabernacle of God would have been among them, and God himself would have dwelt among them! The Lord who makes all things new can hear your prayers. And the apostle John tells us that whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. (1 Corinthians 15:44-50) God is a spiri And (1) I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and REVELATION 21:1 THE NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH. _a new heaven and a new earth_ Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22; referred Revelation 21:3. You kept thinking about it, and This great work of Christ, this grand design of making this old world into a new one, shall be carried into effect. Let us gaze upon THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION. Why, upon cutting each other's throats, upon tearing out each other's bleeding hearts, and wading up to their knees in each other's gore, till the ditches be full of blood, horses and men all mingled, and left to be food for dogs and for carrion crows. We are bound to have you in the church confessing your faith in Jesus. It is a key-word opening the treasures of revelation. To make a world is something wonderful, but to make a world new is something more wonderful still. That is, all who love anyone or anything better than God. This is the second death." temper of the EXPOSITION first earth are pass Strauss-' Comments 8:2; _WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD REVELATION 21:1-7:_ God's faithful It is coming. With this verse begins the closing passage of the book of God: the revelation of the things beyond the end. Men hate God without the slightest reason for doing so, and God loves men without the slightest reason; there was every reason why men should love God, and not hate him; yet they have hated him without a cause, and there is every reason why God should hate man and not love him, yet he loves him so much that he gave his only-begotten Son to die, that whosoever believeth in him may live for ever. So you would make a very good man by mending, if you had a new heart, and new life, and were made new all over, so that there was not a bit of the old stuff left. God means that this planet should continue to exist after it has had a new creation, and renewed its youth. You and I, if we are trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be there, living stones prepared by living grace to have a name and a place in this living city. Blessed be his name. By him man's side of the covenant was undertaken and fulfilled, and now no condition remains; it is solely made up of promises which are unconditional and sure to all the seed. Revelation 21 Commentary - Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible The first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea, because the sea is the emblem of separation, and destruction, and unrest. It will seem to be a dead lift to you; but it is within the power of that pierced hand to lift you right out of doubt, and fear, and despondency, and spiritual lethargy, and weakness, and just to make you now, from this day forward, "strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." 10. He will never drive us from his house. Revelation 21:5. 2 For which I thought he was a wise man: but yet I do not wonder if men who have tasted of the grace of God, and feel that the Lord has done great things for them, whereof they are glad, do feel like crying out for joy. Can I not do the same again? Why do we sing, "Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate?". We are like poor blocks of common-looking stone, but we do not know what we shall be like when we have been cut and polished on the great Lapidary's wheel. If you leave the fountain foul the streams cannot be pure. And it is also by the giving of the Holy Ghost, as the result of the ascension of Christ on high, that the world is made new. Amen. Revelation xxii. New fears are mighty within us, holy fears which once we should have ridiculed. Revelation 21:8. Revelation 21:8. MEN GENERALLY venerate antiquity. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from , The Rider on the White Horse and the Armies With Him What though he pleases to take his time, and to use humble instrumentalities to effect his purposes, yet do it he will. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Revelation 21:1. This is the second death.". . Revelation 21:8New International Version. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Oh that they could get up to the high mountains, and be strong! A. John now turns his attention in a new direction. It is only in imagination that there is any close of one year and beginning of another; and yet it has most fitly all the force of a great fact. Oh, it is wonderful how different a thing becomes when it is taken to God. Whatsoever the Lord doeth is full of wisdom, and the wise will search into it. In some matters "the old is better." The Lord answer our prayer now, for Jesus' sake, for we seek the salvation of every hearer and every reader of this sermon. 4, 5. This is the clue of many a maze, the open sesame of many a mystery. New principles stir the new nature which God has given. When we are made sons do we work for wages? And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. I will pray, "Lord, make my children new." Revelation 21:5. I think that the Lord Jesus Christ especially calls us to consider this, that we may, according to our condition, derive profit from it. That Church he sends into the world to act upon the rest of mankind. glory! but, brethren and sisters, we do not know; since the Lord saved us, there cannot be any limits as to what he can do. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." Oh for a bedewing of the Holy Spirit while entering upon this theme! You must be dead and buried with Christ, and risen again in him; and then all will be well, for he will have made all things new. Tears Shall Cease - January 28, 2023 - Devotional by Charles Spurgeon God grant you may! REVELATION CHAPTER 21 REVELATION 21:1 A new heaven and a new earth. And they will be brought in, I feel assured; but, oh, that it may be this year! The most of men have grown weary with the old cry of depression of trade and hard times; we are glad to escape from what has been to many a twelve-months of great trial. And, further, dear friends, there may be some dear child of God here who is conscious that he lives on a very low platform of spiritual life, and he knows that the Lord can raise him to a new condition. The last year had become wheezy, croaking, and decrepit, in its old age; and we lay it asleep with a psalm of judgment and mercy. Restless spirits consider that the new must be better than the old. Numbers of Christians seem to live in the marshes always. Now the veil lifts for the Old Testament analogies of the coming Marriage in the skies. Revelation 21 - Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible - Bible The Athenians, who spent their time in telling and hearing some new thing, were by no means singular persons: novelty still fascinates the crowd. You have grievous trouble because you hear the dearest that you have blaspheming the God you love. But now we draw near to God and speak with our Father with delight. see what we have done." What a splendor of almighty goodness shines out upon our souls! (Isaiah 65:17 ). There is a hand that can give you a gravitation in the opposite direction. Let us have a little indulgence to-night. 16, 17. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. Men of intellect sit down, and put their fingers to their foreheads, racking their brains to find out new ways of using gunpowder, and shot, and shell, so as to be able to blow twenty thousand souls into eternity as easily as twenty might be massacred by present appliances. 22). Meanwhile, there is no love lost, for the world thinks much the same of us, and therein we can sympathize with Paul when he said, "I am crucified unto the world." I said. are burning and wasting it beneath our feet, fires everfeeding on THEN I SAW A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH. Temple Section-The Former Resurrection WE shall take these words as referring to heaven. They have been as deeply sunken in sin, and as hardened by habit as ever thou canst be, and they thought themselves given up to despair, as thou thinkest thyself to be; yet the Spirit of God carried out the will of the Lord Christ, and made them new.

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