characteristics of the church of smyrna

2007 - 2023 ChurchLeadership.Org - All Rights Reserved. I had no choice. We would be amazed at their love for God and just the depth of their walk with him. 6. How would Jesus words in Luke 12:4-7 encourage someone about to suffer for his faith? It can be seen that Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7), though a local church in the apostle's day, is typical of the first century as a whole; Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) characterizes the church under persecution, e.g. John addresses the Church in Smyrna. Absolutely nothing is hidden from our all-knowing, all-seeing God. The Apostle John was arrested for preaching the Gospel and exiled to Romes penal colony on the island of Patmos, near Asia Minor. So I kept my guard there, but I said, have I done something? She told me to shut the door. What was Jesus message to the church in Sardis in Revelation? The third thing we need to remember is that the ultimate enemy is Satan. What does God want me to share with someone? The only place the Bible mentions the Church at Smyrna is in Jesus letters to the churches: To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. He fled briefly and then they caught him and he did not run that time. 1. Hope-Full: Revelation 2:1-7. These churches were seven real churches at the time, and some believe they represent seven church ages, while others argue they represent seven church types that have existed since the church began, and will exist until Christ returns. Give it to the Lord, trust His hand, and look ahead to the blessings that await you eternally. I do believe that hell is a literal place. She never came to the Lord, but I thank God for that roommate who kept me from making a huge mistake in my flesh and my anger. We cannot do that as a church of Satan! 1. Right now, I hate this woman. So, I got up the next morning before dawn and I took a walk. Satan does not want believers to study the book of Revelation because he does not want you to know your eternal hope. He does not want you to go deeper in Gods Word. 6 Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church, 43. 4 Reasons Why We Have a Hard Time Talking about Loneliness. But, the word used here means absolute poverty, possessing absolutely nothing. They were not poor. Its streets were wide and paved. That is physical death. Many were placed on the rack where they were stretched so far that their legs and their arms were pulled out of their sockets. Allow it to deepen your relationship with Christ, not push you away from Him. They were a synagogue of Satan because they were attacking the church. Jesuss short correspondence with His people in Smyrna gives us incredible insight into this group of believers way of life and faith. Pt 2, Kingdom 103: The Unchanging Person and the Unshakable Kingdom, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Your Purpose Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Your Purpose Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Staying Focused on Kingdom Priorities, Kingdom 103: Be Encouraged Through Difficult Times, Kingdom 103: Singleness, Divorce and the Results Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Singleness, Divorce and the Results Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Singleness From God's Viewpoint, Kingdom 103: Forgiveness, Always a Priority, Kingdom 103: Kingdom Principles Are Relevant to Our Way of Life, Kingdom 103: The Indwelling of His Spirit (the Governor), Kingdom 103: In the Kingdom, They are Filled with His Spirit, Kingdom 103: The Holy Spirit is for All Humanity. He was martyred for his faith in A.D. 156. A person spends 35 pence from a small stall. The first thing He tells them is be fearless. I came back that fall and I was so on fire for the Lord. 2. Look at Revelation 2:8 with me, And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: (NASB). It was probably only 15 minutes, but it seemed like hours. The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. The crown of life is a special reward for endurance in your persecution. They cannot coexist. The Church of Smyrna: The Church that Remains Faithful Amidst Persecution (Revelation 2:8-11) Summary and Explanation: Smyrna was home to a large Jewish community hostile to Christians. Myrrh represents mortal death, and the title of the "suffering church" is often ascribed the . Life is not going so great. Annette has also written curriculum for character growth and development of elementary-age children and has developed parent training seminars to benefit the community. released through Familius Publishing in 2020. How did you handle the situation? The Holy Spirit is Christ's presence on Earth, forever guiding and convicting to keep his followers on the right path. I do not want anyone to go there. God asks us to be conquerors and faithful witnesses to whom and what He is! But, you know, they heard every word. He who overcomes is any believer, anyone who has placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his savior. The ultimate reward is life. In 1 Peter 4:12-19, what are some lessons for life concerning suffering? Kingdom 102: Surrendering Our Heavenly Passport, Kingdom 102: A Break in Diplomatic Relations, Kingdom 102: We Are Prisoners In a Foreign Land, Kingdom 102: Understanding His Mission, Purpose and Who He Is, Kingdom 102: His Original Mission and Purpose, Kingdom 102: Developing a Kingdom Concept, Kingdom 102: Meditate on These Kingdom Principles, Kingdom 102: His Assignment, Preach the Kingdom, Kingdom 102: Preach and Teach the Gospel of the Kingdom, Kingdom 102: Representing the King: The Power of Our Position, Kingdom 102: Restoring the Kingdom and Its Mission Statement, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom Reintroduced Pt 1, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom Reintroduced Pt 2, Kingdom 102: God's Plan to Restore Our Place, Kingdom 102: Preparation for the Counselor (Holy Spirit), Kingdom 102: Preparing for the Indwelling, Kingdom 102: A New Order is Here, in the Last Stage, Kingdom 102: The New Order and Its Citizens, Kingdom 102: The Final Process: Becoming One With the Holy Spirit, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom is the Good News Pt 1, Kingdom 102: The Kingdom is the Good News Pt 2, Kingdom 103: The King's Viewpoint of Giving. 3:12). 2006 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D. Until recently, we who live in the United States and Canada have had many personal liberties, particularly the freedom to worship God.In the post-World War II era, most other modern Israelitish nations have also enjoyed such freedoms, and thus most in the church of God are not accustomed to widespread or severe persecution. 9. Explain your answer. Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? Jesus gave each one a short "report card." Ephesus had "abandoned the love it had at first," (Revelation 2:4, ESV ). Smyrna covers the second church period from approximately from 100 C. E. to 323 C. E.; the Age of Martyrdom, 200-250 years during the second and third centuries C. E. That is the idea. Jesus lived life in purity and sinlessness for our benefit, to enable us to have eternal life and partake in His fellowship. I had some coworkers in Dallas who used to joke about the parties they were going to have in hell. Maybe you are dealing with an illness. 5. You know that it is spiritual warfare where you get discouraged by things you hear said. 7. (8) Revelation 2:8 - "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: 'The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life. You know, none of us will probably be persecuted for our faith any worse than that. Do you want a cup of coffee? I am thinking, I do not know where that came from! I will tell you it was turning point because she did not say one more word to me negatively. By surrendering our lives to our born-again existence, we join our Smyrnaean brethren as overcomers who wont be harmed in the second death, which is the final judgment of the wicked (Revelation 20:6, 20:14, 21:8) Jesus Christ paid for our sin on the cross at Calvary. Let me tell you one other thing. So, how is He involved in your church? 3 Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church, 44. They already were in the midst of tribulation (v. 9) and Jesus had no rebuke or condemnation for them. He wants to discourage us. Others roasted alive. Why is Smyrna being praised? Property Characteristics; Geocodes; Building Permits; Real Estate Valuation. When we work our lives and church with our corrupt personal power we are in fact abandoning His power and Fruit. Which attributes of God most comfort you in the midst of trials and why? As a result, the Smyrnaean believers lived in genuine poverty for their faith. 1.2 Name. He is talking about that kind of pressure that comes from when you take a heavy rock and you put it on someones chest and you press down on their chest with all your force so that it suffocates the person. We must not forget that the characteristics of all these Periods continue on in the Church down to the end. Verses 9 and 10 also go on to tell us a third thing we need to remember in order to suffer well. Based on His intimate awareness of their spiritual condition, Jesus uses these letters to dig deep into the inner workings of each church and flesh out areas of commendation or correction. They are for us to give back to Him. How do these verses affirm Christs equality with God? Kingdom 103: Your Goals, His Purposeand Then What? Those crowns are not to make us feel good about ourselves. Is it fire, is it brimstone, is it gnashing of teeth? I never wanted to open my mouth to pray because my words seemed so shallow compared to the prayers of these godly men and women who had suffered greatly. Be hopeful. They were boycotted. Kingdom 103: What Gospel Are You Preaching? How does this compare with the strong terminology Jesus uses in Rev 2:9? Facing Life Successfully and Effectively Pt 1, Facing Life Successfully and Effectively Pt 2, The Power of Motive and Faith in God's Word, Your Faith in Jesus the Christ: the Work of God, Your Faith in Jesus the Christ: the Work of God Pt 2, The Challenges of Your Faith In God's Written Word, God Created Marriage as a Foundational Institution, Populating the Earth Wasn't the Primary Purpose of Marriage, Citizenship Pt 2--Becoming a Kingdom Citizen, Citizenship Pt 3-The Concept of Dual Citizenship, Citizenship Pt 4: The Invisible Citizenship, The Kingdom Versus the Government of Man Pt 2, The Birth of the Kingdom, The Spirit of Dominion, Ruling the Visible World From the Invisible Realm, We Were Born to Rule, But Not Over Each Other, Jesus' Assignment Was to Restore the Kingdom, The Kingdom--Preached In Word, Demonstrated In Power, Understanding Principles of Kingdom Culture, Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Culture Pt 1, Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Culture Pt 2, Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Culture Pt 3, Culture and Its Many Manifestations Part 1, Culture and Its Many Manifestations Part 2, Culture and Its Many Manifestations Part 3, Culture and Its Many Manifestations Part 4, The Kingdom: Social and Economic Differences, Kingdom Culture vs The Culture of Christianity, Change Is Inevitable When Obeying the King's Word, Faith in the Written Word and Hardship Pt 1, Faith In the Written Word and Hardship Pt 2, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 1, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 2, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 3, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 4, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 5, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 6, The Principles and Benefits of Purpose Pt 7, The Principles for the Nature of Your Purpose, The Lord Provides for His Purpose, Not for Our Plans Pt1, The Lord Provides for His Purpose, Not for Our Plans Pt 2, It's Imperative That One Knows Their Purpose, Your Purpose is Being Accomplished Through Christ. 3. However, Jesus wanted to remind them that their sufferings would anoint them for a Christlike death and burial that could only result in an eternal resurrected life. He was faithful until death and he lost his physical life, but he gained so much more which brings us to the fifth reminder to help us suffer well. Well, Smyrna lay 40 miles almost due north of Ephesus. He says, Do not fear.. The trials that you are going to go through will be brief. Yet, we tend to fill His call with the void of our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness. We would always leave and say, you know I want that kind of relationship with God! Why does God allow Satan to bring tribulation in our lives if God is ultimately in control? Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Ironically, our sufferings are far less of a venture and sentence than our poor choices. I am so thankful. But, in the process, when I am in the middle of it, it is hard to find joy in why He has me there. This article is part of our larger End Times Resource Library. Into Thy Word Ministries. How does this apply to me? All rights reserved. I have heard it said and I put this up on the screen to help you, If you are born twice, you will only die once. If you are born physically and then later you are born spiritually, you will only die once and that will be when you die physically, (unless the Lord comes back, in which case you would not die at all). They had no means whatsoever. It is eternal torment. We will become lifesavers, thrown to those who are drowning. I had just started walking with the Lord that year before and I had gone on a beach project with Campus Crusade that summer. Why would this description of Christ be especially encouraging for this church? Is the Apocalypse Mentioned in the Bible? 3:17); it is impossible for a person to be in Smyrna, before the Lord, yet at the same time be in Laodicea, before the world. Father, I just thank you for the privilege of knowing you personally. What did the future hold for the church at Smyrna and what would be the purpose? Tina said, you know Crickett, or at that time I was Janene. . I was just going through my mind of what I was going to say. If I am afraid that means I am not trusting God. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. It is believed that a man named Polycarp was the pastor of this church at Smyrna when this letter was written. You cant associated with us in these festivities to our gods. There were a lot of gods and goddesses, in addition to the emperor worship. Christians are not exempt from suffering. 4. It reminds us of five things that we must remember if we are going to suffer well. If I am trusting God then I should not be afraid. We will suffer in this life. But, maybe there are some of you who are in a very difficult season of life. 3. Some can endure physical sufferings under tribulation and poverty, yet few can . They just put a rope around his hands. Kingdom 103: Student or Disciple of the Kingdom? Specific Messages to 7 Churches of Revelation Some of these seven churches kept closer to the gospel than others. The ultimate enemy is Satan and that is pointed out in these verses. Their enemies can only take their lives once. I was on staff at Texas Heart as one of the instructors through the University of Texas. Presumably, this church was founded during Pauls ministry in Ephesus (Acts 19:10).1, The Greek word translated Smyrna was used in the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) to translate the Hebrew word for myrrh, a resinous substance used as a perfume for the living (Matthew 2:11) and the dead (John 19:39). When we are faithful, we become beacons of hope and encouragement to others, too. My time came to rotate through that lab. What does He mean when he refers to their being rich in the midst of poverty? Jesus thus says in effect, you know what, I know what it is like to be persecuted by your enemies. He mentions four ways that this church is suffering because He knows exactly how they are suffering. If not, talk to your small group leader or myself, and we will be glad to answer any questions. They will suffer and be tormented for a period of time, but it will not be for eternity because it says the second death. There was coming another form of suffering and that is prison in verse 10: Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for 10 days. What harm can it do? According to Revelation 4:9-11, what are crowns ultimately for? Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. All Christians cannot stand on their own feet and you could not do this if you had to. Maybe those are metaphors. They got drunk. The challenge for us is to suffer well. 4. in Christian Education with a focus on Women's Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. 105 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Buncombe Baptist Church Lexington: Welcome to the home of Intentional. He is not just a Savior and/or best Friend; He gives us life, holds our lives, and will judge our lives. 2. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History). They were hated. So, I would go to these dinners hating it because all they would do was just drink and drink. If someone slanders you, what do you do? Well, the second thing we need to remember is that the ultimate test is suffering. It would protect them. How do you demonstrate faithfulness? The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. They were despised. What was Jesus message to the church in Pergamum in Revelation? He knows what you are feeling. It is just the beginning because He is the victor and He conquered death. Scripture does not give us any information concerning the founding of this church, nor is it mentioned in the book of Acts. Some suffered the Roman crucifixion, a horrible way to die. Faith banishes fear.6. Oh, I do not think she should be doing that or I do not think he should be. Be careful. It was exceptionally wealthy. I had decided how I was going to handle this. After introducing the first vision, John is commanded to write a letter to seven churches. I was ready to share Christ with anybody and, you know, I could handle this lady. Is there something difficult going on in your life today? But instead, through their surrendered lives, the Holy Spirit empowered the Smyrnaean Christians to choose spiritual wealth over worldly gain. That should leave us to want to bring everyone we know to be with us in Heaven. May I be accepted this day before you as an acceptable sacrifice. They lit the fire, but strangely enough, the wind blew the fire away from his body so it would not touch him. The second death is spending eternity in hell, separated from God forever. It was mighty. The church in Smyrna faced bitter persecution and death, yet it emitted a fragrant testimony of faithful commitment to . One of the instructors of one particular lab was a well-known atheist there at the hospital. Do you fear God more than people? Christ not only knew their hearts, but He spoke to this flock using language and terms that held deep personal meaning for them. I. Jesus' Resurrection Gives Us Hope. With the warning comes the exhortation that they should not succumb to fear. Jesus has no censure for the church Consider this: when we are independent from Christ in our personal lives and in running our churches, we are forsaking and opposing Him. He wants to stop us. When we go through the troubles of life, we can either take shelter in Him or seek to go it alone in our fears and pride. As much as I want to believe that, I do not believe the Bible backs that up. 7 Richards, L., The Teacher's Commentary (Wheaton: Victor Books, 1987), 1075. It was one of the chief cities of Roman-dominated Asia and competed with places such as Pergamos and Ephesus for the title "First City of Asia." Smyrna is the Greek word for myrrha sap-like substance extracted from tree bark. I was with another student, another medical technology student, and I noticed that this lady had very little to do with me. It may seem as if people were the enemy, the Jews in the synagogue of Satan, or the government that wants you to worship its emperor. This is a church under persecution yet denounced every false pretension of Jews who were (Synagogue of Satan) abode of Satan. What do I do about calling a priest father at my Catholic University? . Then, they would want to pray with us. The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in Their Local Setting by Colin Hemer. Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) Perhaps the most well-known of the seven letters addresses the church in Laodicea. Before they lit the fire, he prayed, Oh Lord, almighty God, I thank you for counting me worthy of sharing the cup of Christ among the number of your martyrs. Jude identifies characteristics of the advisory. Even Jesuss greeting to the church reveals His loving, personal care. Another warning for us is do not let him use you. Be encouraged as you study the message sent to this church. (Ephesians 1 is a good reminder of our riches in Christ.). They did not look at my life and go, wow, I love her life! They were looking at my life going, what a loser, you know, she cannot even get drunk. It was hard, but that still is not the kind of pressure that these Smyrna Christians went through. It is like Sally and I were saying this morning. The first way they are suffering is through pressure. They had sufferings to overcome and learn from, but most chose to run the course their way and tarnish His Way. This second death means that those who fail to accept Christ will also be resurrected, only to die again in the "lake of fire." The devil may harm their physical body, but he can not do them any spiritual harm. The second death will be eternal separation from God in torment. Why would this promise be especially encouraging for the church at Smyrna? After repeatedly just not doing it, he said for 86 years I have served Him and He has done me no wrong. I had not ever said anything about the Lord to her. Why would there be a need to be tested further? 2 Corinthians 4:4,,,, Well, you know, God never promises us as a believer that life is going to always be fun. I went into her office and I said you know I just wanted to ask you a question. This was true of this church, all the seven churches, the church throughout the ages, and churches today. The troubles we face can cause us to fear so we seek to cover them up with our pride and/or bitterness. Look at the conversation between Jesus and the Jews in John 8:31-47. Why is it that when we seek to run "His" church "our" way, we embarrass and dishonor Him and His Way? 2. Most American Christians today will not be called to die a martyrs death. Ephesus is the first of the seven letters. WEALTHY WITHOUT WEALTH In the church Ephesus, the Lords finds a decay of first love, in Smyrna, we see Him voiding Satan's malice to restore the former freshness. It was celebrated for its schools of science and medicine, and for its handsome buildings. For instance, telling them that they were practicing cannibalism because they were partaking of the Lords Supper, eating of the body of Christ, drinking His blood. 7. Oh, youre too good for us. I believe it exists. 12. Revelation 20:14 and Revelation 21:8 tells us that the second death is the lake of fire and brimstone. Kingdom 103: Where Does the Governor Reside? What two instructions did Jesus give them concerning the upcoming tribulation? I need strength. She started and began by reading from Isaiah 53 about Jesus the suffering servant. They cannot coexist. 3. What season of life are you in today? They were doing Satans will and not Gods. I wish I had more time to go into detail of his story. Father, I pray that we would be people who suffer well, who would please you in a way that we handle anything that comes up. Ch 1 Pt 2, Kingdom 104: Where Are the Masculine-Thinking Men? What was Jesus message to the church in Ephesus in Revelation? What Does God Say about the Church at Smyrna? Spiritual death is the separation of the soul from God. We would go and sit in their homes. What would Jesus say to such a church? And finally, Smyrna was the only congregation besides Philadelphia that did not receive admonishment from Jesus. Well, the first type of suffering they were going through is pressure. 3. Pt 1, Kingdom 104: What Profit Has Righteousness in the Kingdom? Jesus is upfront about the fact that we will experience trouble in this world, but He has also promised that His peace, grace, and abiding presence are our refuge during our trials (Matthew 28:20). What are the other crowns and to what are they referring? What was Jesus message to the church in Smyrna in Revelation? Smyrna is the Greek word for myrrh, a flagrant perfume used in burial. 10. The use of the strong term, blasphemy, here indicates how evil, how wicked, how intense this slander was. They would tell us about their relationship with the Lord and they would tell us about the things they had endured during the Cultural Revolution because of their faith in Christ. 5. Death means separation. We may not be worshipping Satan, but when we run the church by our ways and agendas, we are, in fact, worshipping Satan, because Christ is not only ignored, He is being opposed! Suffering either gives me my self or it destroys my self. What was Jesus message to the church in Philadelphia in Revelation? I know your afflictions and your povertyyet you are rich!Followers of Jesus living in Smyrna were seen as a cult and persecuted by the hostile Roman empire. Also, death is mentioned three times in these four verses. Third, at the end of Smyrnas letter, Jesus makes this promise to whoever has ears to hear: He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death (Revelation 2:11, KJV). How wonderful it would be if our church received an encouraging letter from Jesus, especially if it contained no criticism. I think it is a way to deal with stress in the operating room. How do you respond to suffering and tribulation? What are some reasons God allows suffering in our lives? He has always existed. She is so right. He just came in. Smyrna was a seaport city about 35 miles north of Ephesus. Kingdom 103: Your Faith is Essential in the Kingdom, Kingdom 103: They Praise Him, But Fail to Obey Him, Kingdom 103: The King's Will and the King's Word, Kingdom 103: Know Your Purpose While on This Earth. You cannot do them at the same time. ATTOM AVM; Home Equity Data . If you receive yourself in the fires of sorrow, God will make you nourishment for other people. Oswald Chambers5. The church at Smyrna was to undergo some intense persecution and tribulation. The members of the Smyrna church, though, are facing persecution because they are more focused on what God thinks than what man thinks. He is an enemy who will stop at nothing. I was doing an internship in medical technology at Baton Rouge General Hospital. He died for one reason: his unyielding faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 9. It is a gift. I was not Crickett then. She also has two B.S. I wanted to hurt her and I wanted her to go to hell. Some of the first schools of science and medicine were founded in Smyrna, and on the beautiful slopes of Mount Pagos, the city erected a theater that sat twenty thousand people; the ruins of the theatre are still visible today. 8. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25). The first thing He promises is that they will receive the crown of life for being faithful until death.

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