elective c section mumsnet

Yesterday I found out I have strep B. I am 34 weeks pregnant, and distraught. We encourage early skin-to-skin contact if that is what you and you and your partner would like.. A gentle C-section (also called natural cesarean or family-centered birth) is a surgical birth that incorporates various aspects of an unmedicated vaginal birth. I am under the care of a team based at a hospital in the South that is currently conducting a study on c-sec vs vaginal births and apparently they are being very difficult with anyone requesting an ELCS. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch, More posts in "Group B strep support" group, Create post in "Group B strep support" group. i had quite a bad tear which resulted in surgery a few months after. She says: Your partner will still be able to trim the cord and take pictures of your tiny baby as they are getting checked over before you enjoy your first lovely cuddles. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I have had 3 elective c sections at Jessops; Im assuming theres where youre going? I'd had her in my tummy for 9 months, and it was quite nice for him to have that special time. At what point is a c section no longer an option, Ive never heard of that being a thing, the baby being too low? Thank you all for your encouraging words - they have all helped me get my head around having a general. My main fear is my c-section scar and delivery in general. This encourages your uterus to contract and reduces the risk of heavy bleeding. [2011, amended 2021], 1.2.26If a woman requests a caesarean birth, discuss the overall benefits and risks of caesarean birth compared with vaginal birth (see the section on planning mode of birth) and record that this discussion has taken place. A caesarean birth, or c-section, is an operation. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. It's intended to take the . Elective C Section - Feeling like a failure. Elective c section with a cold and sore throat?? In most cases, this will be a single cut between 10cm and 20cm in length. Csections can be done at any point. Most elective c-sections will be booked in for around the 39th week of pregnancy, unless there is a reason to deliver baby earlier. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. My midwife is going to refer me to a consultant to discuss birth options. Any other abdominal surgery, you're told not to lift anything heavier than a kettle for 6 weeks, but with a c-section there is somehow much more pressure to be "back to normal" while your life is turned upside down by a small screaming baby who doesn't sleep! Activity after a C-section is more limited. It is still important to slowly move around to maintain a healthy blood flow from the veins in your legs to prevent clots from forming. Not sure. 19/04/2023 15:11. In fact, some parents schedule a c-section after a previous vaginal birth, due to birth trauma they had experienced in the past. In total, your elective c-section is likely to take between 40 and 50 minutes. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). I had severe spd in both of my pregnancies, i had 2 completetly natural births with no problems, a c-section isnt an easy option, recovery time is a lot longer and at the end of the day its major abdominal surgery! In 2016, nearly 32 percent of all births in the United States were cesarean deliveries, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. I wanted my baby to be passed to my husband (top off) if all was well with her for skin to skin asap and whilst I woke up, baby to have vit. I am going to push for one but not sure where i stand?? Sarah Nielsen. Csections can be done at any point. there was also a student midwife who was with me for my normal labour build then i had an ems, so she took pics too, you could defo ask them to film, or get the camera set up on a tripod, if theres a student or something present, cant see this being an issue, as long as raise it prior. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. However my consultant referred me to see the consultant anaesthetist and unfortunately he has recommended that I have a general anaesthetic. Inducing Labor: What Happens When You're Induced? My third pregnancy was by far the worst. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Does anyoneknow why planned c-sections aren't an option asa preventive? Your anaesthetist will use a cold spray on different parts of your body to check that your anaesthetic has worked properly. My planned c section story is that I was booked in for an ELCS at 39 weeks but he decided to arrive a week early. One benefit to a scheduled or repeat c-section is knowing exactly when you are going to have a baby. I was just wondering if anyone reading this has had a positive general anaesthetic c-section experience or any advice to help. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. You may need some extra monitoring during the labour if you choose to have a VBAC but your doctors and midwifes will advise on the safest option for you and your baby. First baby- elective c-section? hi honey my DD1 hate late onset gbs (undetected) and passed away, I have since had two more natural births with anti'bs in labour(induced with both to ensure anti b's in time) both babies went to nicu and had anti b's for 48hrs and bloods came back clear. this time round i plan to do exactly same, just wanted to share the natural way for you xxx ps im too scared for surgery lol xx. This is simply them removing the abdominal fluid once your waters have broken. I was on painkillers daily by 16weeks, crutches 18weeks, belt and bed rest soon followed. Approximately 25-50% of cesarean deaths are directly attributable to the actual operation [source: WebMD]. Baby being in a breech or transverse position, which could make a vaginal birth more difficult and issues with the placenta, including having a low-lying placenta, which may be blocking the babys way out. Or you could ask that your partner learns this news and comes back to let you know.. Over the moon! You need to advocate for exactly what you want. On my last baby i was booked in for a home birth but as it got so painful my midwife booked me into see the consultant at 35 weeks who have me a membrane sweep, which didnt do anything, then admitted me for induction at 37 weeks. The moment you close your eyes, you'll be opening them again hearing a baby cry and thinking to yourself "that can't be mine cause I'm still falling asleep", mean while it's yours and it's all over! Ellis says: Most scars will fade significantly with time and form a thin white line by the babys first birthday.. I dont think so, I had an emergency c-section while I was in the middle of pushing. She says: Having some pre-prepared meals in your freezer can be a life saver as can having friends and family on standby to give a hand or run some errands.. The vast majority of elective c-sections are performed under local anaesthetic so you will be awake throughout the procedure. 17/04/2023 20:17, To be fair I had a lot of help so didn't have to do most things before I was very comfortable. It might help if you have your GP's backing as well as your mw's but they generally do not see GBS as a reason for an ELCS. The elective was much nicer experience and felt like a birth. The recovery after a c-section was nothing compared to the agony of spd xxxx. [2011, amended 2021], 1.2.29Ensure healthcare professionals providing perinatal mental health support to women requesting a caesarean birth have access to the planned place of birth during the antenatal period in order to provide care. However it was veryhard, because I was inso much pain and really really just wanted to sit up,pick her up and hold her tight. Will post an update after the appointment on Thursday. Hiya, sorry to hear you're having to have a g.a. For women who decide to go through with an elective C-section, ACOG recommends scheduling the procedure no earlier than 39 weeks of pregnancy. Would do the same again. Go through all the pros & cons of both general & epidural with him & then make your final decision. For whenyou get discharged, getsome of those granny pants with the panel in front which woman use to hide bellys. I want to do what is best by the baby, and am struggling to find answers (well at least the ones I want to hear). Elective C-sections account for only 2.5% of all births in . Everyone who needed to be there for any situation was already there. I had my c-section 4th December which was aThursday at 3:45pm, I was up walking Friday morning and homeSaturday afternoon. This will usually involve signing a consent form and having some blood tests to check what your blood type is and whether your iron levels are normal. The rate of maternal request is . I can see my epidural failing and it just being all bad for me. Having a look at the risks of Strep B and the risks of a C-section, I can't seem to find any conclusive evidence as to why a C-section should not be used as a preventative. The group asks that doctors remind women that the of risk of placenta previa, placenta accreta and hysterectomy increase with every cesarean delivery. What am I going to do if she wont agree to it aswell? The only thing I found weird is that even though you are awake and remember sections, you're not completely there. I am trying to think of the positives of having a general such as I have been to bond with my baby over the last few months feeling little kicks and wriggles and it would be good for OH to bond whilst I am recovering, as relatively speaking it is only for an hour or two (I hope) whilst I recover. First baby- elective c-section? The level of discomfort once all of the analgesia has worn off can also be a bit of an eye-opener. Elective c section | Mumsnet Active I started I'm watching Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip 1 2 3 Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. The choice is yours however, good luck with whatever you choose!! My elective was amazing though, night and day from the emergency. Create an account or log in to participate. Indications for elective caesarean delivery were prior caesarean section in 54.5% (1137 women), breech presentation in 7.2% (150 women), suspected cephalopelvic disproportion in 4.6% (96 women), maternal requested CS in 28.8% (601 women), and other causes such as retinopathy or myopathy and a history of infertility in 4.9% (102 women). Remember if it does move there's no guarantee that you won't need an emergency c section anyway, so if it doesn't it doesn't mean otherwise you would have had a smooth birth. Lower risk of the . think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Elective surgery doesn't exactly sound fun, but throughout my pregnancy in 2017, that's exactly what I wanted, an elective C-section. Lower risk of the baby being deprived of oxygen during delivery. I actually had an emergency Csection with a spinal, but because my little girl had to go to special care to be checked over and have some precautionary antibiotics and tests, I didn't actually see her properly until 3 hours after she was born. Pelvic Girdle Pain (symphysis pubis dysfunction) four months after birth. They tend to not do them once baby is starting to deliver, but I know even some have been done. Why Do Women Choose to Have an Elective C-Section? Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. And perhaps if your waters had already broken before the EMCS that could have had an impact on transmitting the infection. I think it depends how determinded you are. I laboured for 18 hours and was very close to delivery and opted for a C-section as I wouldnt progress past 9cm - she was definitely very low (some head cone) but I had no issues with having one because of that. After your first c-section, you might be wondering if you'll have to have a c-section for any future children too, but it doesn't always necessarily mean that you future babies will have to be delivered in this way. Ellis says: There are lots of myths surrounding c-section deliveries which can often cause new mums unnecessary worry at a time when feeling calm is key. Louise says: This is perfectly normal and, just like with a vaginal delivery, will stop after a couple of weeks. Keep an eye on your scar while it is still healing and seek advice if it becomes red or sore and this could be a sign of infection. I will just have to make sure I explain that I understand it is major surgery however as I am housebound with spd anyway and horrendous pain, I will be able to cope with c section recovery. May 4, 2022 at 4:14 AM. I just saw her beautiful shock of hair and then she was gone but I know she was safe in daddy's hands, and I wanted her to get her treatment as soon as possible. Hello!! Louise Broadbridge, who is the official midwife for Your Baby Club, says there is still a lot you can do to make the birth a personal experience. I had undiagnosed GBS with my DD, an EMCS, and she had an infection but I never found out what it was, but almost lost her. I know it will be the same for you, and your husband will feel very special to have that honour to hold her first. You will be asked to sit in an upright position and the anaesthetist will administer a spinal block or epidural. In a caesarean birth, c-section, or caesarean section, the surgeon will deliver your baby through a cut in your stomach and uterus (womb). I am meeting a consultant this week to try and convince them to give me a ELCS. (I had meningitis a few years ago which left me with some neurological problems so he was not keen on putting another needle in my spine). Once you've had a C-section, ACOG adds, you're more . If you haven't found out if you are having a girl or a boy you can let the surgical team know this so that the sex isn't revealed until you have a little look for yourself. Ask them to play music! If you notice that your bleeding gets a little heavier after activity, listen to your body and take it easy for a little while.. 05/04/2023 19:42. Some women choose this type of delivery if it has been recommended due to medical issues relating to this or previous pregnancies, while others may feel it is the best decision for them for personal or psychological reasons. This time around I am hoping for an ELCS but for the fact that I failed to progress in labour not for the GBS. But I think the only time a C-section would not be an option is if baby was on its way out like coming out of you, you need to push etc, I don't think it comes to that point, they do them while women are in labour I was 7cm with my 2nd and had one. x, I would push for a c-section. Usually, women receive ibuprofen, Tylenol, or even narcotics for the first 3-7 days. I think I must have been busy being stitched and cleaned up. Just focus on what you can do to make it more personal. Only thing I would say is that there's a lot of expectation on you straight after to be up and about with no help. You may also be given something to eat and drink. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. I know what is best for me and it is so frustrating. An elective section is usually a more positive experience than an emergency so do hold that in your head if you can. I had a c section with my first due to breech. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), 1.2.25When a woman with no medical indication for a caesarean birth requests a caesarean birth, explore, discuss and record the specific reasons for the request. There so many ways to give birth from a vaginal birth to a water birth but there may be a number of reasons you might be considering or preparing for an elective caesarean section. Part of her efforts involved highlighting the risks of an elective c-section so I am thankful you took the time to set out all the details of how it works in reality. It was still a very calm experience. I had spd and it was sheer agony, in the end there was no way i could physically give birth because i couldn't take the pain anymore or get in to a position to do it. No matter how much pain you are in, just keep reminding yourself that tomorrow you will be 100% better. You may well have been told to expect vaginal bleeding after giving birth but you may not realise you will still experience this if youve had a c-section. Everything I have read says that it shouldn't, but I am yet to come across a satifying rationale. At least you'll get a good nights sleeep the night before, so that when you have pics taken with your little bundle, you'll look great. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. If you are having second thoughts about a general speak to your consultant again, after all your post said it was a "recommendation". Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. If you've been under before you'll know what I mean. I've had an emergency and an elective c section, both due to failed inductions. Usually, your scar will be just below the bikini line and once it heals it will be much less noticeable. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). (Any pain medications prescribed would still be safe for breastfeeding .) About one in four women in the UK have a c-section to deliver their baby, with most of these being emergency c-sections.. They can be considered last options even. You can also consider Calow & Bassetlaw as they have good maternity care but just as part of the main hospital. In August 2018, Birthrights published a report about the treatment of women and birthing people who request a caesarean section. I've spoken with my consultant today about an elective section - for my own . 24/06/2022 12:02. A cannula a thin tube into a vein will be inserted into your hand and a catheter will be fitted to empty your bladder during the operation and mean you wont have to go to the toilet while youre still recovering from surgery. Many women who have had a c-section go on to safely have a vaginal birth with their next baby, and this is known as a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). I will definately ask for photo's be took of little'un and OH and will hope that baby latches on as well as Talia! We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. | Mumsnet Talk Active I'm on I started I'm watching Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. You can choose whether to have an induction or a c-section. There are pros and cons to scheduling an elective c-section. I labored, dilated to a 10, pushed for almost 3 hours & little man was not having it Needless to say we ended in a csection due to a prolonged rupture of membranes (my water had been broken for more than 24 hours) No issues getting him here safely that way, even after a strong attempt at vaginal delivery! Those must have been incrediblystressful times, but so good to hear happy endings. You don't feel the time at all. Even though my section didn't quite go to my Original plan (DD ended up in the nicu with slight breathing issues caused by having to get her out quickly following my haemorrhage, and i needed a blood transfusion) at not one point in this did I feel frightened as it was all just dealt with in theatre calmly, no crazy pressing of buttons and everyone running in the room. There are many reasons for choosing to have an elective or planned C-section. The cut is usually made across your tummy, just below your bikini line. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). "C-section" is the commonly used shorthand for cesarean section, also known as cesarean delivery. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Our BABY development emails are just what you need, When was/is elective c section if low lying placenta. I had a General, as i had lots of complications which I wont bore you with, I did fee like i missed about a bit, I dont remember all that much, but we took lots of photos, the midwife did !! VAT no 918 5617 01, H Bauer Publishing are authorised and regulated for credit broking by the FCA (Ref No: 845898), Just so you know, whilst we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website, we never allow this to influence product selections -. Its taking a few meetings with the consultant to finally get the date for an ELCS at 39+1. Pros of an elective C-section. x. Elective C Section | Mumsnet Active I'm on I started I'm watching Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip 1 2 Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Would you elect to induce at 38 weeks if you had a previous shoulder dystocia birth? i think ihad it in the back of my mind that this would be the safest option regarding the gbs. Also I presume I can ask the Midwifes to take photos of baby maybeI just can't help but feel abit like I am missing out on the most special moment. (Depending on your progression and fluid levels you may even wait a bit as its not necessarily emergent. I encourage my patients to prepare their own playlist of relaxing and special music to play when their baby enters the world. Pregnancy Your doctors and midwives will always try to meet your wishes and give you the best birth experience possible. Would recommend to use the pain relief, and say if a particular type isn't working for you, there are other options. Many women suffer a cesarean due to medical pathologies, and the complications resulting from this pathology - not from surgery - are more often the cause of death. Are you wanting to request a csec in an attempt to avoid passing the GBS onto your baby? After your c-section, youll probably be asked to wear tight surgical stockings to reduce the risk of blood clots and you may also be given blood-thinning injections. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I have my consultant appointment on Wednesday so I am going to push for c section, everyone I have spoken to thinks it is for the best. With DS I tried for a VBAC and had an EMCS and despite me having 3 lots of anti-b's while in labour, he too had an infection. It also helped take away thefeeling that it's going to pop open when you cough or sneeze. I've had an emergency and an elective c section, both due to failed inductions. Recovery was better than the emergency, although still major surgery. Everything I have read says that it shouldn't, but I am yet to come across a satifying rationale. I decided it was easier to have a C-section than risk suffering nerve damage from a forceps or vacuum intervention (one of which was used in 3% of U.S. live births as of 2015, according to the CDC . Pregnancy Follow topic Ellis says: Rest and recovery are vital, so I would recommend asking for some help in the first few days and weeks after surgery. You will probably be offered painkillers at this point and if you want to breastfeed your baby, youll be given support to do so. How ameniable were they to allowing you to have an ELCS? Your doctor or midwife can explain the benefits and risks of both options to help you decide. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). My baby came into the world with John Mayer playing good luck!! I have done a bit of reading and it appears as though ELCS are less stressful than EMCS so hopefully this time your labour will be better and baby will be infection free. Id suggest going for a gentle walk every day with progressively longer distances to help recovery and get some fresh air. Fingers crossed. One thing i did forget to say on my post is that the doc at my local hospital did allow me to be induced early due to my SPD. Like Charlotte, Lauren's birth experience involved two C-sections. So 3 hours later, I was sitting up, she was bought into me, and I put her straight on my breast and she fed straight away, latching on with no problems. Seems to me the risk of strep B falls squarely on the baby, whereas most of the risk of c-section falls on the mother. If you are expecting twins, you may be asked to consider a planned caesarean, especially if the babies share a placenta or one of them is in a tricky position for birth. I had a few reasons, mostlybecause I'm a very squirmish and really don't like the whole theatre atmosphere with docs wearing masks etc. Pregnancy Follow topic I hadmy baby lying next to me, less than 30 minutesafter I was out of theatre. Seems to me the risk of strep B falls squarely on the baby, whereas most of . I sthis your first baby ?? This usually happens for medical reasons, although sometimes a woman may prefer an elective c-section for personal reasons, especially if she has had a previous vaginal birthwhich was difficult or traumatic. 28/04/2023 21:32. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. Everything was very calm while waiting, knew exactly what to expect. "I decided to proceed with an elective C-section as the birth of my first daughter resulted in an emergency C-section due to labour not progressing." Reflecting on both, she spoke highly of the supportive team of medical professionals that made her birth all the better.

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