ley lines wisconsin map

This held true for anyone who knew how to read or write- a Heresy. Orange; Creation of new species and positive evolution. Thats only slightly more confusing than the next town over from me being named Ballysadare, Ballisodare, and Baile Easa Dara, and slightly less confusing than the 71 streets in Atlanta (where I lived as a teenager and learned to drive) called some variation of Peachtree Street, Old Peachtree Road, Peachtree Circle, and so forth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); are literally rivers of energy that not only flow through the earth but between worlds and universes. Vortex Hunters Energy Vortex GPS Locations and Maps Instead we are all quick to step on each others toes to get to where we think we need to be in business, our personal lives, and even within the spiritual communities. Office: 27B Camac Street, Binoy Bhawan 4th Floor, Kolkata 700 016, Mcs Share Transfer Agent Ltd The Principle of Vibration (Nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates). Unfortunately, no one knew where he ended up. Take the native Indians of the United States; they used to call ley lines spirit lines and their Shamans used to use the electro-magnetic energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits. The pressure then forces the water out (horizontally) in what dowsers call veins through cracks and fissures in the rocks. Guest column: Ley lines and their link to Auburn's Fort Hill Cemetery It was built to support the Nazi Aryan race doctrines. American Ley Lines USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America Our bestseller! Principal Areas, and Northern Ireland displays Districts. Listing of all U.S. County Maps showing Cities and City Limits, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Green Lake County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Jefferson County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, La Crosse County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Lafayette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Marinette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Marquette County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Menominee County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Outagamie County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, St. Croix County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Washington County, Wisconsin - Cities Map, Winnebago County, Wisconsin - Cities Map. maps These Nodes generally have a radius of stronger energy emanating from them, the size of the ley lines is proportionate to the size of the radius of ambient energy. To find your county using your address, type your address into the 'Search places' box above. https://telescoper.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/pointa.jpg?w=450&h=393, https://www.google.fr/maps/@41.5370899,-91.1420901,1373m/data=!3m1!1e3, http://books.google.com/books?id=w8pWZ2AGI4MC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q=grenada&f=false. My school is hosting a week-long series of lectures on the geography of beer, fast food, foods of other cultures, etc, and a map exhibition (with the strong subtext of You can [i]major[/i] in geography, and [i]get a job that pays well[/i], please see our undergrad advisor about changing your major.) All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. "Mary Sutherland is not simply a reporter of all these phenomena. They are attracted to places where they naturally attune to, known as nexus points. Coincidently, he went through key ley line points. I for one welcome your transition to Geography Blog right at the beginning of Geography Awareness Week. No wait that ones for Geology Awareness Week. Ley lines were first discussed by a guy from England in around 1925 in his book "The old straight track". You can draw (or imagine) lines connecting certain stars to form the horns of the Taurus constellation, the scales of the Libra sign, or the Big Dipper. Watkins's original idea of ley lines is quite valid and rather intuitive; archaeologists have long known that, on a local and regional scale, roads tend to be built in more or less straight lines, geography allowing, and since a line is the shortest distance between two points it makes sense that important sites in a given culture would often be aligned, not randomly placed. They penetrate and leave the Earth vertically at nodes. How do I find out what Wisconsin county I live in? made easy. On a planetary scale, the lines tend to form a web of fairly consistent lines based on all of the magical hotspots around the planet. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Could ley hunters connect our sites on earth grids with other world ancient sites? According to the story, so strong was the mans belief that he had packed all his belongings in a van and set off to establish his new home in either Dorion (near Nipigon) or Silver Mountain (north of Pigeon River U.S.-Canada border). 3. Ben has a master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in psychology. Known as sacred waters, the native americans and peoples before them , used these waters for healing their sick. Ley lines is the term given to alleged alignments that have been found to link prehistoric mounds, stones, sacred sites, temples/churches, and geographical features. Just added: Bermuda Triangle to Cubabi Mexico major leyline. Ley linesare hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. It is interesting and we should take notice that the Swiss Lab Cern and the Brookhaven Lab in New York, both sit on ley lines and both of these labs have a Hadron Collider that directly impact these ley lines negatively and/or positively. The Unsolved Mystery of the Northern Lights. create link I assume that by p-value, you mean that you want to analyze the appearance of lines under the null hypothesis of uniform distribution. The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. The glacier's never made it down that, 45 miles west of Milwaukee, over 800 years ago, a walled pyramid city flourished , appearing to have succumbed to the black side of Cthulhu as, Excerpt From Burlington Mound Builders by Mary Sutherland Copyright@2004, At the polar opposite of Aztalan is the modern Buddhist monastery of Deep Park, just south of Mdison. The ley lines indicator on the map is too thick and the colour obscures the map underneath it. The Fuhrerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Hitlers main headquarters was intentionally constructed on an ancient holy power well, at the crossing of two leys. These range of mounds extended in direct and continuous lines and were found in Wisconsin, Iowa and Ohio. The Kings land grants were so huge that rich landowners had to let their servants and fieldworkers live on their lands (because they could hardly commute to work from over the horizon). Scherz was led, Vortices, Paranormal Hotspots, Ghosts and UFOs of Wisconsin, Brought to you by Burlington UFO and Parnormal Research Center, Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books, Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic, Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern, Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland, Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work, There are rare persons in this world who see things others. It is lies on a 'Rainbow Vortex' and Home of, Wisconsin is not what it seems. Through these cracks in the earths tectonic plates the magnetic energies released are very powerful indeed. townships By controlling or influencing the geo-electrical grid they can effect the earth, and also indirectly/directly can control our thoughts and emotions artificially, because we are all connected to Gaia. We can change the channel if we choose, turn down the volume, fine-tune the specific radio band. How to Find Ley Lines Near You - Otherworldly Oracle They called them the 'Hav-musuvs- ', Read Tunnels and Underground Cities Under Southeastern Wisconsin, Mary Sutherland is the author of the following books, Living in the Light: Believe in the Magic, Mysteries: Exploring the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern, Check Out Books Written by Mary Sutherland, Mary Sutherland is an author and researcher focusing her work, There are rare persons in this world who see things others. From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomons Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Teslas lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and stadiums- which are also used to harness energies- like giant batteries! Maybe they need a machine because it is only a handful of technocrats attempting to control the masses. Paste the link you just copied into the box below: 4. reference maps The Principle of Causation (Every effect has its Cause, every Cause has its Effect, all proceeding by Law, never by chance). Thesesacred sitesare purposely located over primary water as a result of our ancestors using dowsers. Wisconsin County Map - shown on Google Maps This would allow the federal government to sell small plots of land directly to small farmers instead of selling large chunks of land to middlemen, who would become socially dominant landlords. Reblogged this on Essence of Nilaya and commented: At this moment, when all of Britain was as one, created an especially clear channel between the visible and invisible worlds. Ley lines: The UK's mysterious ancient pathways - BBC Culture borders map tool also has options to show county name labels, overlay city limits and townships and more. The Da Vinci Code was based on Rennes Le chateau in France, which is also on a leyline. The Crossroads are natural points for towns. The rediscovery of ley lines in this century is unveiling (apocalypse; greek for unveiling) the secrets of Nature. Many mages believe that at the center of each star is a small pinpoint which intersects with the no dimensional space where the Ancient Ones are being held. Click the map to show data near to the point you clicked. In the 1950s, Tony Wedd, made an important discovery and announcement that opened up a whole new theory on ley lines. and megaliths, as well as geographical landmarks such as rivers, waterfalls, ridges and mountains. You won't find ley lines discussed in geography or geology textbooks because they aren't real, actual, measurable things. For example, the Great Wall of China is thousands of miles long, and surely some parts of the wall will connect with many imaginary lines drawn across the globe from another important sites. Once you have cleansed and area for your vortex, A Precession Proton Magnetometer is suggested, ComBrought to you by BURLINGTON PARANORMAL AND UFO CENTER, Brown Lake, Burlington Wisconsin - The Hav-Musuvs, Brown Lake in Burlington Wi has another name by the Indians that at one time lived around its waters. An Earth chakra, such as at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, or at Glastonbury Tor, England, is a huge energy vortex, several miles in immediate diameter. As a rule, major ley lines dont cross each other. 2023 randymajors.org Research Hub LLC. So here's the truth: ley lines don't exist, Re: So here's the truth: ley lines don't exist. Indeed, there are so many potential points that by chance alone connecting them will form many straight lines and seemingly significant patterns. You need to know if you are by a line/on a line or on a Node, as it will boost all of your spells and your energy work. Very cool world map with ley lines where you can zoom in to any level of detail you want. It was considered dangerous (or, at the very least, unwise) to walk on those paths during certain days because the wayward traveler might come upon a parade of fairies who would not take kindly to the human interruption. Some researchers see the ley lines as electromagnetic energy paths between powerful points on earth, which connect into a greater earth grid. He is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and has written, edited or contributed to more than 20 books, including "Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries,""Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore" and Investigating Ghosts: The Scientific Search for Spirits, out in fall 2017. Ley lines from this Planetary Headquarters connect to the six other major ERCs around the world: As individuals and as socialized communities, our daily choices and actions have a direct effect on the ERCs and ley lines closest to us, and have an indirect effect through particle reality to ERCs and ley lines more distant from our physical location. To listen. . The aboriginal people of Australia called these lines dream lines, once again they claim that knowledge was passed on to them from the sky Gods. If you had non-English speaking immigrants, the Milwaukee/Zilwaukee confusion would work better, I think. time zones However, an area such as Stonehenge that has a number of very strong major lines crossing it and numerous minor ones tend to create larger and even multiple rifts. and megaliths, as well as geographical landmarks such as rivers, waterfalls, ridges and mountains. Wisconsin Vortex maps. ", Watkins himself did not believe that there was any magical or mystical significance to ley lines. Edit: You do see a more hex-like pattern in Europe: see this map of France for an example. Downtown is two grids which meet at about 45 degrees; the northern one which is almost, but not quite, oriented to the cardinal compass directions, but all the streets have non-sequential names. On its darker side we have Adolph Hitler. The lines are curved to follow the curve of the Earth's surface (to be more accurate). IRC 501(c)(3) Tax-exempt Organization, The parent organization for The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion, All rights One thing common to almost all energy vortexes is their ability to make visitors feel And I see by the church website, this was deliberately done at the time of large-scale German immigration, so yep, looks like they were counting on confusion by non-English speakers in a foreign land where the maps were still not wholly reliable: A large German migration was taking place in the 1840s and Milwaukee was fast becoming an attraction for new immigrants. How did they know about these lines and the energies that they give off? Wilhelm Teudt, head of the Ahnenerbe, worked closely with Heinrich whom was head of the dreaded Nazi SS. Elbruz was a world mountain, center of the Earth Energies. In most cases, the locations of these supposedly significant ancient sites were not dictated by any sort of unknown earth energies but by practical matters such as access to the building materials. I am not nydwracu, but heres my guess: Its because with a grid system everywhere looks the same, whereas if you have a more organic layout then theres more variety. all of the map layers to finish drawing, Because the map layers are large, boundaries will not be shown if you are zoomed out too far, Note that typing an address will zoom in the map very close, whereas typing a city or county by itself will show They enlisted the help of adepts to undo the damage of the Nazi movement. While the concept of ancient sites along straight alignments was discussed by European researchers back as far as the 1700s, the term ley line is credited to Englands Albert Watkins when he used the phrase in seeking and identifying straight lines to ancient sites. Friends Cookie Jar Primark, Coverage includes: US county map, UK county map, Ireland county map, Australia local government areas (LGAs) map, New Leaving only the royals and the monasteries literate. As stated in that article, ley lines are corridors of ancient and sacred sites, like standing stones and circles, churches, abbeys, cathedrals and burial grounds. Monte Cassino in Italy is one, as is Monserrat. Energy points are near or pass through mountains and bodies of water that form a ring around the Grand Tetons. Elbruz. Stories have it that if you stop your car on this hill, instead of it rolling down the hill, it actually starts rolling up, Power Points, Home of the Sacred White Buffalo of Lakota Sioux Prophecy, is believed to the site of an ancient city where citizens from Atlantis mined copper and shipped it to Europe.The mystery came to light in 1835 when, . I dont know how many people youd fool, but presumably more than if you just hope everybody forgets the first letter of the city theyre headed to. *** All information is reported based on the location of the blue dot on the The Principle of Mentalism (The Universe is Mental, the All is Infinite Mind, which is the fundamental reality and the womb of all universes). This county leylines.net documents, researches and archives ley lines and places of high energy and tries to find a global network interconnectng local ley lines to a big energynet. Accordingly, this tool Ley Lines & Vortexes. A good analogy is that ley lines exist in the same way that astrological constellations exist. This is where the Grid Engineer and Knight of the Holy Grail become one- alchemy. selection tools Leylines Map - All about ley lines | maps.leylines.net Magdaline is the founder of MaggiesHolisticsNY.com, a essential dietary supplement product line. Some never before published. This definition makes sense but doesn't provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. You need to know your ley lines (and before you ask, yes I am working on an accurate map of the Ley lines. They have been likened to the veins of the Megaverse, while others see them as a universal transportation system. Most people dont realize just how much of World War II was fought on these spiritual levels. Bringing the subject back to our own Northern Wilds, could the ley lines and energy lines apply to our prehistoric mounds, stone structures and landmarks? Haunted Places of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Haunted Tours, Haunted Tours , Ufos over Wisconsin and which they marked so on their maps. Preliminary traffic map, showing annual 24 hour average traffic, state of Wisconsin 1 : 1198000 This blue line print map shows highways, the scale of traffic volume, and average 24 hour traffic. It is documented that Alexander the Great was guided by Aristotle to take control of the major dome centers of these intersecting ley lines from dark forces. Area Codes I believe that if more are aware of this natural phenomenon, break our mental bonds to the material matrix and take action locally as groups on these ley lines, that can be found all over the planet, then we can take back what is rightfully ours and positively manifest paradise on earth. Ley lines are literally rivers of energy that not only flow through the earth but between worlds and universes. The concept of Ley lines was first espoused byMr. Alfred Watkins(though Watkins also drew on earlier ideas about alignments; in particular he cited the work of the English astronomerNorman Lockyer, who argued that ancient alignments might be oriented to sunrise and sunset atsolstices)inBlackwardine,Herefordshire, England,on June 30 1921. Possible points include castles (or even places with "Castle" in the place name); moats; churches; ancient mounds; ancient stones; wells; crossroads; special groups of trees; and so on. Or Milwaukie? Are they built along energy lines with power points? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. So, this is the definition of Ley lines: Everywhere I have tried has a number of significant leylines, particularly ones Vortex Blog. Seems that there is a concentrated effort, to effect and manipulate the earths electro magnetic fields using these technologies. WISCONSIN Topo (Topographic) Maps, Aerial Photos, and Topo/Aerial Hybrids MyTopo offers custom-printed, large format maps that we ship to your door. So probably you should introduce a new measure L4 of how close the 4 points are to a line. Were they using theley lines possibly as an earth map? And further out west, maybe the rectangular grid pattern was already established enough (throughout the US) when the towns were founded. The Native American Indians are still tuned into these energies. The energy is said to extend 30 miles each side of a ley line. elevation When it was realized how heavy the Nazis were into the occult, the Allies began using the same principles in an effort to undermine his powers. 99046, Regd. We can change the channel and learn how to use the electromagnetic grid to play a more harmonic tune. 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: MaggiesHolisticsNY.com, 2016 Magdaline (Maggies Holistic) visit: MaggiesHolisticsNY.com. what county am I in For example, type -105.25, If I remember my geography properly, in the absence of other geographic reasons for town placement (water, mountains, resources) in an idealised model where economic activity is the main factor, towns will grow in a geometric pattern. what city am I in Secret City of Vohee , River of the Dead, Vortex and a town veiled in magic, - Nashotah House & Seminary - The grounds of this Episcopal seminary have been inhabited since the 1500s, and have been, The Hunt Club Restaurant and Legends Tavern, - On the edge of what is now Geneva National on the southwestern golf course sits a lovely three story structure that in 1990 was transformed into, - Cobblestone Bar - The cobblestone was originally built to be a hotel. The Principle of Rhythm (Everything has its tides, its rise and fall, its equal pendulum swings to the right and left, its peaks and troughs). Counties, Type or paste a comma-separated list of 5-digit and/or 3-digit ZIP Codes into the box below, OR, Then, set map title & display options, then click the Apply button below, 1. Crown (7th) Chakra Mt. All megalithic structures, famous estates, obelisks, and historical sites are on these lines and can be influenced and experienced in mass, to elevate and change the current matrix. This county map tool helps you determine What county is this address in and What county do I live in Our ancestors have known about these lines for thousands of years. Watkins went on to suggest that that the lines connecting these ancient sites represented old trackways or routes that were followed in prehistoric times for the purposes of trade or religious rites, and in 1921 he coined the term 'ley lines' to describe these alignments. In Germanien, a Nazi Germanic Culture magazine, there were numerous articles by people like Josef Heinsch who wrote about such things as the heilige linien (holy lines). Paranormal hot spots, centers of UFO activity. Three different places, one west, one east, and one north-west of me? Society of Ley Hunters Founded in 1999, the Society of Ley Hunters based in the UK is a group for like-minded people to learn and explore ley lines. Ley Lines linking to Earth's Energy and Ancient Sites jurisdiction. It was for this reason Wellesley Tudor Pole initiated the Silent Minute in Britain during WWII. Hence Dwight, IL is a truckstop while Joliet (inside the Chicago commutershed) has the historic industrial base. Try 19 significant mountains and bodies of water in a nearly perfect circle around the Grand Tetons. The Persians, Aryan stock, believed that Mt. Similarly in this model, the Earth, has a chakra system, arranged not in anatomical but energy sequence at 7 key Dome centers. Where do you get satellite photos? The extentof infection is proportionate to the severity of contaminating energy (Contaminating energy can be from metaphysical or mundane factors). At Fulda, in Germany, St. Boniface founded a Benedictine Abbey and from Fulda Christianity was spread throughout Central Germany. Des Moines New Age Shop and community Center. Depository Participant ID- IN304004 | NSDL- SEBI Registration No- IN-DP-315-2017 | NSE & BSE- SEBI Registration No-INZ000197136 | @2020 - northernwilds.com. PLUS: Enjoy an Ad-Free experience across this entire website! In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet with the first 3 columns in this order: ZIPCode, Data*, and Color Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows; monthly contributors can map up to 10,000 rows per map You can use any combination of 5-digit ZIP Codes and 3-digit ZIP Codes Map data will be read from the first sheet tab in your Google Sheet If you don't have a Google Sheet, create one by importing from Excel or a .csv file The header of the second column will be used as the map legend heading The second column can contain links beginning with https:// that will appear when the user clicks the map on that ZIP Code In the color column, you can use any browser-supported color name or any 6-digit hex color code, 2.

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