stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy

My thyroid was removed due to papillary cancer in April 2008. When I arrived on the first floor I was taken into the recovery room for pre-op. Post-Operative Instructions for Parathyroid Surgery. You are now HYPOTHYROID. They said the scar from my thyroid surgery is mostly healed and looking good and that we can start planning the 2nd ear surgery. Also, for me that was nice because they normally come out on day 2 to 4 after surgery and that would have meant another 100 mile round trip to get the JP drain removed. After getting checked into the radiation isolation room #625, they brought me my dose of radiation 175 mCi of I-131 t1/2= 8 days. I woke up with full back and neck in spasm do to previous athletic neck and back injuries. The mass was softball size and the cancerous tumor was 4.8 cm follicular cancer with hurthle cell varient, since August 2012 I have had a partial thyroidectomy, TT 2 weeks later, RAI 157 mc October 17th, modified neck dissection Nov. 27th and now it's the waiting from blood test to body scans and getting the meds adjusted just right, a lot of side effects with Levothyroxin. Gen A, elik SU, Gen V, Gkmen D, Tur BS. I was also immediately able to have near full use of my voice, which told me that my larangeal nerves were ok - big relief. Epub 2021 Jun 1. The nurse offered me some jello, and that wasn't quite as bad as the water, but it was no picnic either. Some of what I posted before was right after surgery via my smartphone. The surgery went well and the next day I was released from the hospital to recover. She stated that they would not give me a definite Clean till I am 1 year out of radiation treatment. During RAI (I had some lympnodes 1 or 2 not 100% sure) take up Iodine, plus had some small growth in thyroid bed which may be non cancerous. The patient was diagnosed with Horners syndrome, a disorder characterized by pupil constriction, eyelid drooping, eye protrusion and lack of sweating on one side of the face caused by damage of the ipsilateral cervical sympathetic chain. Once your thyroid is removed you are now . Finally, I told the nurse I was overheating and she suggested taking off the leg squeezing devices. I am in the normal range and will worry about that in December time frame. Over the course of 2 years or more I've been from Doctor to Doctor including my family doc, allergist, gastronologist and orthopedic specialist. Second time with the larger dose was a little worse, but nothing terrible. On the 18th of June I went back to Dr Ch., Endocrinology at Madigan for follow-up on my CT scans and to check the balance on my thyroid meds. Emerging from my first anesthesia experience was quite honestly like waking up from a bad alcohol blackout where you have no idea what was going on for the last few minutes, hours, days?, weeks? Swallowing discomfort. Went to Bremerton naval emergency and they put me on oxycoton and told me to go to Madigan on Monday I then asked if I could have something more substantial and the doctor came in and looked at my plate (which looked like an animal had been fed at the zoo) and said I could have whatever I wanted. This morning he woke up and his neck on the opposite side was real swollen. Figured I'd chime in with my own experience, since everytime I see posts it sounds like a thyroidectomy is the worst thing in the world and its better just to live with thyroid cancer. My voice sounded horrible for about 6 weeks and I have weakness on one side of my vocal chords. As his caregiver I am feeling so helpless. Suffice to say, I was very disoriented for about the next 10 minutes. He got out the floor roll to start working on my leg muscle as well man that hurts. I remember my throat hurting pretty badly. My Dr (Endo) said he did not want me in his office for another 7 days and the hospital nurse said that was crazy and she used a Geiger counter on me to see how "hot" I was. A few days later I realized that I had not heard things like birdsong in 3+ years. I have heard some things from Dr's here I question a little bit (As I told some people before no low iodine diet was ever recommended etc although I did a 5 day extreme low one so . ). I have been on Levothyroxine 125 to 150 for 2.5 weeks and am starting to feel better from Hypothyroid symptoms. As an example, one surgeon said he wouldn't do the surgery without intraoperative nerve monitoring of the recurrent larynegal nerve and the other said he thinks it's a waste of time to use the nerve monitor. He switched my meds from levothyroxin to synthroid and I noticed a big difference the first day! Seriously, I'd managed to get half a sip of water down in what was the most painful swallow I'd ever experienced and I now had to take half a dozen HIV antiretroviral and other pills. Tomorrow I have my 1 week post op appointments with both the surgeon and the endocronologist. It took me a bit to realize that it was now 11pm. They seemed as entertained by me as I was them, since most of the patients are far more groggy. They have removed most of the mole on my eyebrow and sent it to be checked for cancer. Abstract Introduction: Thyroid surgery is a popular and effective treatment for many thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer. 3 weeks post TT October 25th had my first Vestibular training they had me bring S. incase the therapy makes me too dizzy to be able to drive. Don't get a ct scan ask for an ultrasound first. One less medical appointment set to have to worry about 2019 Aug 8;49(4):1185-1191. doi: 10.3906/sag-1812-55. I was downing water like crazy as well, which helped but also was a double edged sword of making me need to use the restroom quite frequently, which was a chore with all the monitor wires attached. Meeting went good although it was just me S. Cheryl and the leader of the group this time normally they have a few others. We talked a bit before he left (he's a great guy and a better doctor). However, there are some things that everyone can expect with any type of thyroid surgery. Removing lymph nodes in the neck (lymph node dissection). My surgeon kept telling me it's normal after the surgery, but won't give me detail explanation. At last a surgeon came in and had me sign the forms. Get the latest news and education delivered to your inbox, Receive an email when new articles are posted on, Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on. As my health slowly improves I am starting out my workout regimen again and slowly building my strength back. The initial clinical suspicion pointed to a haematoma, but a needle aspiration showed chyle. They'd said I might not remember being wheeled into surgery, but I remember the trip into the OR and looking around the OR. Was in Hospital 5 days post op with JP drain and limited help, had numerous asthma attacks due to not being able to eat and acid reflux. Both surgeons recommended almost the exact same treatment plan. The nurse said, how was that. I had quit my job to start graduate school last fall and then had to defer my graduate program to next year because I couldn't continue during the winter quarter. The other doctor did about 45 thyroidectomies per year. That seems crazy low, is there any benefit at < 0.1 vs < 1.0? I am from USA but in the Philippines, and I went full Vegan after all of this. Active neck muscle training in the treatment of chronic neck pain in women: a randomized controlled trial. Post Operative Expectations. National Library of Medicine I was diagnosed by chance, I was actually post op on back surgery and I mentioned to my neuro the pain in the back of my neck, he ordered a soft tissue MRI and this was discovered. He also set me up with some Blood tests and put in the recommendation for a full Sleep Apnea study in Silverdale. Once there I registered and was sent to the 11th floor where I was placed in a nice looking hospital room. his right arm had a deep muscle hurt, like a toothache. They just put me on a table and put a flat board 2" above my nose and it slowly moved down my body. I said, it hurt like hell. Ylinen J, Takala EP, Nyknen M, Hkkinen A, Mlki E, Pohjolainen T, Karppi SL, Kautiainen H, Airaksinen O. JAMA. If anyone has / had the same issues, any info on them would be great. I also feel much more anxious and depressed. My doctor recommends endoscopy to check how the vocal cords and other nerves have healed inside but I am.just not ready to go back to the hospital yet. Mine is Synthroid and it really is noticeably better. Some nurses came and took my vitals and repeatedly asked me a lot of questions, including what type of surgery I was having and my date of birth. I am hoping against hope that I can build my endurance with regular exercise. He said he wanted to get my RAI done - he likes to do it within 3 months of surgery and thought it had been enough time since ct. That was attributed the nodules and the cancer. On the 30th I had Fasting Labs for the blood work the nutritionist wanted. Pretty much the only physical limitations I have are I wouldn't even think about driving for a while, as I can't really look over my shoulder and I sort of walk like Frankenstein or as I like to put it one of my 4 year old's favorite "well-loved" stuffed animals that has his neck sewn on (I sort of do too)! 4) They plan to suppress my TSH which will make me Hyperthyroid. The only linger symptom I have from my surgery is that my parathyroids shut down, which was a bummer cause I have to take calcitriol 1-2x/day, but no symptoms unless I majorly forget a few in a row. The initial screening showed no cancer on that side once removed. They said they caught it early though and think they were both stage one cancers. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal I had a lot of other questions, but those two were, at the very least, on the top of my list. My family members tried to reassure me that everything would be ok, but I just couldn't stop thinking thoughts of "what if I don't wake up," "what if I do wake up," "what if they find something incredibly bad inside." They said let the steri-strip fall off on its own and it fell off today. Today it seems very logical to have asked for something like that, but at the time I was just in the frame of mind to wait. Every step of the way I've made sure to get the best of the best, and so many times I've gone to new specialist who have said "you're so lucky you had the surgeon that you did, because he's the best of the best and did a fantastic job". Mine was 10-11 hours and I came out with a scar in the shape of a "U" that goes from ear to ear. Before my thyroidectomy I experienced ear pain on and off, where it felt like a sharp, stabbing pain around my left ear. Nerve pain or neuropathic pain comes with skin sensitivity, tingling, numbness, and stabbing pain. But, I do with exacting detail remember my first sip of water. She also told me that if I need another surgery to fix the problem that there is a 10% chance I will lose all hearing in that ear, and being that it is my better ear I seriously hope I dont need to get surgery. I've posted a few times since my thyroidectomy on 12JUN; but really wanted to give a more detailed account. Follicular carcinoma minimally invasive (7.1 cm) 2) Did anyone else get post RAI Ultrasounds and show remnant tissue in thyroid bed? I would characterize what I went through as "mild discomfort." The surgical pathology reported a 5 cm papillary thyroid cancer in the left lobe of the thyroid with lymphovascular invasion, microscopic positive surgical margins, with five of 59 positive lymph nodes (two left level IIA nodes, one Delphian node and two level VI nodes). The first time I did it at 75mCi and the second time at 200mCi (lung nodules don't seem to uptake which is annoying, so we tried to hit them with a bunch). RAI was the next thing that worried me, but once again, I found that it was overly emphasized online. Would really love some advice on how to proceed about improving my breathing. The morning after your surgery, you can take a shower and allow water and mild soap to run over your wound. Could be in the supermarket or at KFC, I have no idea. On the 28th I had my appointment at Dermatology, recommended by the ENT people at Madigan. Neck /throat tightness and pressure Total Thyroidectomy 16 . Has anyone else had this problem? Had a visit to ENT clinic at Madigan and then I did my pre-op for left ear surgery. I called the Mayo Clinic (all three branches MN, AZ and FL), the University at Loma Linda California, UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Irvine, The University of Miami, Baptist Hospital Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital Miami, The Texas Institute of Thyroid and Para Thyroid Surgery (Dr. Kuppersmith) and am sure a few more that escape me right now. 3 Sep had an appointment with my primary care doctor for setting up appointment for my right knee and more ear drops for the infection. She reported left upper lid drooping and showed a recent picture with only the right side of her face flushed in a hot summer day (Figure 1, upper panel). I was diagnosed with a large thyroid mass Dec 2009 Bremerton Naval Hospital in Jan 2010 they determined the mass was follicular cells but could not determine by fine needle aspiration if it was cancerous or not but since it was making it hard to breath they decided to operate to remove my right side thyroid this happened on Feb 22 2010. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. I have been constantly monitoring my weight and diet, and have been able to keep it in check till now. A month later I had a TT and my tonsils out due to a chronic sore throat. Pain medication doesn't agree with him. Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Guideline Task Force, et al. This is the post I put online two days after surgery If I hadn't known about 7 other women who had all gone through total thyroidectomies and RAI with absolutely no lingering symptoms, I would have been freaking out prior to my surgery. and 6mm papillary carcinoma w/ adjacent 2-3mm papillary carcinoma another section 6mm papillary carcinoma and right parathyroid lymph node with thyroid carcinoma 8mm. However, since my surgery, I've been hit with insomnia. Just seems like order of operations has been a complete mess. Neck stretching exercises done immediately after a total thyroidectomy reduce short-term neck pain and disability symptoms. Do they usually biopsy Lymphnodes during TT? Through the Fall I kept feeling the pain in my neck and again spoke to my primary care doc.

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