steven universe height

He is not strictly oxygen-dependent and is vacuum-resistant as shown in "Ocean Gem" and "Space Race". Yellow, along with Blue, later attempts to assist Steven in escaping Homeworld, but are stopped by White. In "Super Watermelon Island" however, Steven calls out to Jasper as she falls into a crack created by the Cluster, showing that he values her life despite their animosity. Since Garnet is a fusion of the two, their individual feelings for Steven are similar to Garnet's feelings for him. In "Familiar", Blue Diamond acts warmly towards Steven whom she believes to be Pink. It's very insightful to who Steven is. In "An Indirect Kiss", Steven and Connie are shown not to care about things such as sharing the same straw. Another example is that when Connie introduces Steven to her favorite novel series, Steven had no idea about the order of the books in the series and was reading them out of order. Lion, most of the time, does whatever he wants and often ignores or disobeys Steven. Did you make me just so you wouldn't have to deal with all your mistakes? As a result of his parentage, Steven is an extraordinarily unique being with innate powers beyond that of normal humans and Gems. "Barn Mates" expands things further as Steven tries to help Lapis and Peridot get along. Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond, Fusion Gems: Fluorite Rhodonite He has also developed a habit of clutching his gemstone when he has something on his mind, possibly to seek support from Rose. Not wanting to hold him back, she and the other Gems act indifferent once Steven finally does inform them, much to Steven's confusion. 364,181 Members . In "Change Your Mind" Steven heals all of the corrupted Gems, including Nephrite, with the help of Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond. In "Onion Trade", Steven gives his favorite action figure to him as a gift, although Onion had originally stolen it. In "Friend Ship", Steven is kind to Peridot by wishing her a good morning and weekend. In "Hit the Diamond", Steven is quick to hug both the Gems when Garnet unfuses, but is distressed over the two ignoring the game to flirt with each other, leading him to give them a pep talk/scolding, which both of them listen to. However, he is one of the slowest and can not jump high. When Steven is sometimes troubled by the burden of being a Crystal Gem, he takes solace in continuing Rose's legacy by protecting the world like she wanted him to. He believes that he can't tell Pearl anything without her blaming herself and falling apart, that Garnet acts "high and mighty" and lectures him, and that Amethyst is only "acting" mature and needs to get over herself. Steven's obliviousness can create problems even with those he cares about as in "Dewey Wins" he thinks Connie should be grateful to him for giving himself up to Homeworld to save her, not understanding how he hurt her until suffering the same hurt when Dewey concedes the mayoral race in spite of Steven's campaigning and urging the public to give him another chance; although this particular obliviousness could be attributed to him not being ready to face his feelings over his surrender and everything he experienced on Homeworld as well as having to deal with the emotional anguish his surrender caused his loved ones. Due to possessing Pink Diamond's gemstone he shares most, if not all of his unique abilities with her. Your middle name is cutie pie. Answer (1 of 2): According to this answer by Abigail Johnston, White Diamond is 14.5 Stevens tall. He keeps this hidden deep down inside of him and rarely expresses it. This could hint he is sorry and is trying to be more respectful to her desires. Steven Universe: The Movie (Original Soundtrack), Steven Universe Future (Original Soundtrack), "Shy", "Hippie", and "Superfan" Rose Quartzes. In "Steven's Dream" he argues with Garnet for not telling him why he shouldn't find the broken Palanquin, figure out his dream and learn why he is shedding a constant flow of tears. In "Chille Tid", Steven is horrified by Jasper, and Jasper immediately attempts to attack him in an incoherent fury. Steven, in turn, apologizes for giving himself up and not taking Connie's feelings into account, and the two of them affirm that they are still "jam buds". From across the world, Steven is involuntarily able to see through Blue Diamond's eyes and cry her tears through his dreams. "Eyeball" then summons her weapon, a chisel knife, and attempts to kill Steven, but Steven throws her out of his bubble, and she drifts in space away from him. Edit Feb 15, 2017: Added Holly Blue Agate; changed Yellow & Blue Diamond's pictures and heights. Immediately after Sapphire and Ruby's re-fusion in "Jail Break" Garnet acts a lot more emotional and loving towards Steven, indicative of the deep, true love that she has for him that her pre-regeneration self would not, or could not, express. That's going to be a struggle for Steven for a while. In "The Future", Amethyst learns Steven is going to leave Beach City and see the world thanks to Garnet's future vision and, not wanting to hold him back, acts nonchalantly when Steven finally tells them alongside the other Gems. In "Cry for Help", a picture of Connie can be seen in Steven's room. His legs are digitigrade in posture and his feet bear five claw-tipped toes each. Aliens: Beetle Aliens Bird Blob Aliens Ungulate Aliens Worm Aliens Flower-Like Aliens Minor Alien Characters, Camp Pining Hearts: Paulette Percy Pierre But it's hopeless, My Dad. Later, she visits the beach house after Steven's inner feelings project onto her phone and participates in an intervention with the Gems and Greg to try and get Steven to open up about what's bothering him. I'm not sure, I think younger Greg is smaller than pearl. The only people he has opened up to about it are Amethyst, Bismuth, and the Cool Kids. However, "Together Alone" shows him struggling to deal with Homeworld's stifling conformities and traditions, much like his mother did, especially when he learns that he and his friends must be split up during the ball he has decided to throw: only Pearl and Connie are allowed to remain by his side (with the latter as his "pet"), while Garnet must split up into Ruby and Sapphire, and they and Amethyst (who must wear limb enhancers) must remain with their kind of Gem. She has been seen speaking directly to Steven only once, and this was to protect him and Connie. This shows that both Ruby and Sapphire love and respect Steven enough to listen to him. Steven returns this sentiment, as shown by his efforts to assist Alexandrite in her fight against Malachite in "Super Watermelon Island". As he discovers more about his mother and the effects her actions had he starts to show anger and guilt towards her over what she did. In "What's Your Problem? In "I Am My Mom", Steven and the Crystal Gems confront Aquamarine and Topaz at Funland. During the aftermath, she shows a genuine display of affection towards him by nuzzling him and hugging him. Pearl harbors mixed feelings for Steven deep down; while she cares deeply for Steven she also misses his mother very much, as they were very close to each other when she was still alive. In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for defending himself against her and impaling her with Rose's sword, with Bismuth manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result. After everything you've been through, you must be in a lot of pain. Please browse at your own risk. He also becomes arrogant about his newfound abilities as seen when he kisses his bicep, something even Jasper is annoyed by. Steven is shown to have unique tastes in entertainment. However, she shows her affection for him by singing his song back to him. She also supports his decision to cure the corrupted Gems and expresses concern for him when he is brought to White Diamond. Being curious I decided to throw this together. When Steven then opens the airlock to extract them from the base, "Eyeball" drags him out with her, stranding him in space with the rest of the Rubies. As of Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven has aged physically, having grown slightly taller and now having a visible neck. "Little Graduation" shows he is suffering from anxiety as all his friends move on with their lives and "Prickly Pair" shows his growing anxieties with himself and his relationships with the Gems. Steven: Wow, you're so articulated!Sardonyx: Well, aren't you the sweetest little charmer! Amethyst, shapeshifted as Jasper, tricks the Rubies into thinking she's Jasper and goes to Moon Base with them and Garnet, Pearl, and Steven to file a report to Yellow Diamond. but they're fighting and she's actively trying to get him. Monster Steven is the final antagonist of the Steven Universe franchise, serving as the titular main antagonist of the animated TV epilogue series Steven Universe Future. Later. Steven Quartz Cutie Pie DeMayo Diamond Universe, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), they form, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), Amethyst, and Pearl, they form. When Jasper first arrives on Earth with Peridot and Lapis, Steven seems immediately aware that she could not be reasoned with or befriended. In Steven Universe Future, he retains his maturity from the movie, but can still be overbearing in trying to help others as seen in "Guidance". However, he understands Lapis's desperation to go home and heals her cracked gemstone, which, as a result, restores her eyes and wings. It is also shown, in many episodes, that Steven, being unsure if he is actually his own person or simply a reincarnation of Rose, feels guilt and takes blame for his mother's actions feeling that he deserves them. A growing and loving Steven Universe community for all fans! No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. It's probably something to do with the personalities involved. Amethyst. and "I Am My Mom" he comes to a resolution about his feelings for Rose when he gives himself up as Rose Quartz to Aquamarine to both save his friends to atone for both their actions that led up to that point. After he finds out she is short, he calls her cute and teases her, leading to Peridot slapping him in some playful way. In "Jail Break", Lapis fuses with Jasper, forming Malachite, as a way to save Steven. Around 4.5 feet to 5 without enhancers and 5.5 to 6 with them That's assuming the paint cans she uses are a gallon and are 7.5 inches high. 15 days ago. I added some easter eggs in there, but this time no clues cuz some of y'all didn't like that last time. However, the episode also shows the good that comes from Steven talking his problem out with someone, namely his father who afterward assures his son he'll be there for him during the tough times. In "Together Forever", Steven rides Lion to Connie's house, and he brings the two back to the beach where they met where Steven intends to propose to her. "Know Your Fusion" shows that they are close enough to fuse into Smoky Quartz by grasping hands, not needing a fusion dance. Both instances show that he relies on her intelligence and good sense. His gemstone, a pink diamond he inherited from his mother is where his navel should be. Steven then understands and realizes that Rose didn't make him to just be a scapegoat. Garnet is one of the last surviving Gems on Earth who joined the Crystal Gems in the Rebellion against the Gem Homeworld and afterward assisted her friends in protecting the Earth over the next few millennia. Pearl is roughly 5'10" 1.78m Its cool to see it getting a resurgence recently! Steven addresses Onion as if they are good friends. Obsidian is the fusion of Garnet (and by extension Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven Universe. After calming down, Pearl admits that they work well together. "Fragments" and "Homeworld Bound" reveal that Steven harbors a suppressed desire for vengeance against all who willingly wronged him, especially the Diamonds and others from Homeworld; he is irritated by them and Spinel acting friendly after everything they had done to hurt him and his loved ones, and having a strong intrusive thought about shattering White Diamond's gemstone when given control of her body. Things you wanted to keep secret. He also cries Blue Diamond's tears when he is near her. However, Lion is also seen to be caring towards Steven as well as being aware of Steven's needs, like when Lion kept lying on Steven's head to show Steven his pocket dimension where it contained, among other things, a video left by Rose Quartz for Steven after he said he wanted to know more about her in "Lion 3: Straight to Video". Steven Universe: The Movie. It seems to happen when they dance together while thinking about their feelings for each other. Steven's human half is physically weak without his gemstone, unable to stand unsupported and he may be completely unable to survive without it. In "Now We're Only Falling Apart" Steven tells Sapphire that Pink Diamond didn't get hurt as Pearl revealed that Pink wanted to scare Homeworld from Earth. When the Cluster was beginning to emerge Steven and Peridot go down in the drill to destroy it. After returning to normal, Steven genuinely hugs Lars as an apology, having to accept Lars' dream. Steven. Impressed by her immense size and strength, she inspires Steven to become stronger. He enjoys tomato soup, as seen in "Bluebird". Steven first meets Aquamarine while looking for some of his friends who have gone missing. As Steven, Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot embrace, Steven declares he loves them all, to which Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth do as well to him. He is the son of Greg Universe and Rose Quartz, the only known hybrid of a human and a Gem and the first Crystal Gem of human descent. r/stevenuniverse AMETHYST APPRECIATION POST. You like being a model, and you like being an artist. He genuinely cares about Connie's safety and well-being as seen in "Winter Forecast", as well as in "Full Disclosure". This also displays a ruthless and darker Steven as he hones the destructive side of his powers with Jasper's training. Amethyst is becoming more motherly as time passes. In Connie's debut episode, "Bubble Buddies", he saves her from a falling rock by using his gemstone to summon his bubble. And every time I'd see that painting of you hanging in the Temple, I'd be inspired and reminded of how much I had to live up to. While he is later seen eating a fish in "Fragments", it is unknown if this means he had, at least at the time, abandoned his vegetarian diet altogether or if he is a. However, Pearl and the Gems eventually reveal they are, in actuality, very sad about Steven leaving, with Pearl quickly joining into a group hug. While talking to her, Lapis refuses his help, saying, "Just let me do this for you!". During the battle, instead of being cold and ruthless to her as she does to him and the rest of the Crystal Gems, he teases her instead. Deep down Steven feels guilt over his mother not being around and inferiority over not being able to live up to her reputation. At this point, because I don't know the whole story, I can't say. He enjoys Crying Breakfast Friends! And that's why I'm here, isn't it? How could you just leave Garnet, and Amethyst, and Pearl, a-and Dad? Onion is Steven's friend whom he talks to in the episode "Bubble Buddies". This deeply touches Bismuth, who breaks down into tears and says Steven makes her so proud to be a Crystal Gem and that neither she, Lapis, nor Peridot would be who they are without him. He has some connection with him, as Steven is the only one who can enter his pocket dimension. "Made of Honor" and "Reunited" cement Steven's growth and maturity as he forgives Bismuth and accepts her back into the Crystal Gems with Bismuth claiming Steven as the real leader of the Crystal Gems and as he convinces Blue and Yellow Diamond to stop fighting by revealing his identity as Pink Diamond's son/reincarnation. I've learned things about you. Aquamarine is arguably Steven's worst enemy. In "Homeworld Bound", Steven becomes highly irritated when Spinel kisses him due to his powers and temper spiraling out of control. However, after they all manage to embrace him in a group hug, showing that they love him unconditionally and will always be there no matter what, Steven is finally able to calm down, return to normal, and let out his years of emotional baggage. It is more saturated in color than Rose Quartz's gemstone. In "Homeworld Bound", Jasper's new respect for Steven is shown by standing aside to let him leave the bathroom first while in the Diamond Pose. Steven is fully aware that the Gems have portrayed Rose as a perfect and loving being, but he knows there is much more to her. Throughout the latter half of Future he resembles his mother more, particularly her faults as he runs away from problems by helping everyone else with theirs, hides his feelings and distances himself from others, and shows a literally explosive temper that causes his powers to run out of control. When Lapis gives Steven the message, he is very concerned about her, as he was distraught by her unhappiness. As a human/Gem hybrid, Steven possesses unique physiology, resembling a fusion of a Gem and a human. Though Steven frequently goes on fantastic adventures he retains a tendency to be easily impressed; he is enamored with Bill Dewey's play until Jamie points out its flaws and is also shocked to find that his Watermelon Stevens are alive and admits it should not have surprised him. Steven's gemstone is located on his navel. Steven, now fully reunited with his powers, comforts her and claims she can start fresh with new people to be her friends. In "The Good Lars", Lars and Steven seemed to have developed a more open friendship, even taking his advice to bake the Ube cake, and asks when Steven even got so mature. Over the next few weeks afterward, Lion stays with Connie, presumably to give her comfort and companionship during her and Steven's estrangement, as well as teach Steven a hard lesson over his taking her and his other loved ones for granted. However, the consequences of his mother's mistakes continue to haunt Steven and those he cares about to his growing frustration. In the answer, Steven's height is assumed to be 175 cm, but I think that's a teenage Steven height. Steven gives Peridot one of his old star shirts, telling her to "Be the Steven you want to see in the world" in order to comfort her. Valentinee105 7 yr. ago Which is why Peridot's hair changes size from episode to episode. Ultimately, in "Everything's Fine", the realization that he is becoming worse than his mother (compared to her faults) leads him to become a monster. Steven Universe Wiki After trying to escape, Topaz and Steven try to reason with her, with Steven saying that she doesn't actually want to hurt them and that she just acts mean because she's afraid to admit she's weak. Humans: Lars Barriga, Other Gems: Minor Gems Unknown Gems (Morganite Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 Unknown Quartz Warrior Blue Diamond's Court Pink Diamond's Entourage Unknown Crystal Gems 67 Elite Citrines Pyrites Hessonites, Demantoids, and Pyropes Kyanites), Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster), Comic Gems: Ant Gem Monster Clock Tower Gem Frozen Fragment Glass Ghost Invisible Manta Ray Mole Gem Monster Mollusk Monster Lizard Gem Obelisk Old Book Gem Plant Monster Perils of Pweepwee Rainbow Cloud Monster Red Bird Gem Monster Red Eel Monster Scorching Shard Slime Gem Monster Slug Monster Snowbeast Tentacle Monster Unknown Giant Bird Vine Monsters, Others: Baby Melon Blue Crabs Cactus Steven Holo-Pearl Magic Moss Steven Jr. Watermelon Stevens, Animals: Butt Lobster Crystal Basilisk Dog Giant Bird Mask Island Birds Mask Island Fish Mask Island Worm Onion's Mouse Onion's Snake Party Guy Raccoon Seagulls Snake Steven The Third Susan Minor Animal Characters He is unable to be damaged and carries the items for the team. Lapis. Steven is also capable of shapeshifting, but he has not yet learned to fully control it. Steven Quartz Universe is the titular main protagonist of the Steven Universe franchise. It was further cemented when Greg completely misses the point after Steven's outburst when he compliments Steven for standing up to him instead of realizing some of Steven's points and the things he did miss out in his life; as Greg compliments Steven, he completely ignores his father, deleting a picture he'd taken of his middle school photo and demonstrating a loss of respect for Greg. You're like me! Steven: I can protect myself. In the last episode of the 6th StevenBomb, "I Am My Mom", Steven comes to terms with his feelings for Connie and confesses his love to her as he is taken away to Homeworld. Steven quickly realizes how destructive Sugilite is, but does not seem to have any real issues with her and even looks forward to seeing her destroy the Communication Hub again, despite her attempts to destroy Pearl for having left her behind. He is initially very awkward and nervous to talk to her. In "Gem Hunt", Steven follows Connie's lead while they are tracking the Gem. In "The Future", thanks to Garnet's future vision, Pearl is informed of Steven's planned departure from Beach City to see the world before he can tell them, alongside Amethyst. Returning from a mission to the Moonbase, Steven notices a small object in Peridot's hand. They give it another shot and Peridot witnesses how Steven feels, not just about their plan, but about how he feels like his friends are drifting away and he just wants someone to help. They do this to a) makes animating easier and more free and b) allows for Dynamic and interesting scenes (edited by HarringtonLittle) 2. After spending three days training with her, Steven decides to start their rematch, taking her advice and no longer holding back, resulting in him shattering Jasper. This is shown further when she acts excitedly when Steven gives Amethyst his video games as a parting gift, even threatening to delete his save files. Because we're both not like anybody. Once she obtains it after a fight with the Crystal Gems, she opens an interface to Yellow Diamond. Before moving out, Steven offers to let Greg move into his room in the beach house, and gives him a Kerry Moonbeam poster as a goodbye gift. When the both of them (along with Pearl) visit The Reef, they even bond over Pink Pearl's nostalgic feelings of the items stored there, as it was here Pearls, including the Crystal Gem Pearl and Pink Pearl, were created. I've been seeing through her eyes. In "Stuck Together", Aquamarine marvels at the fact that she captured "Rose Quartz", and that she handed herself in. Steven makes an awkward impression on them, and not knowing how to skate, repeatedly urges Connie to go hang with her friends instead of helping him; he later expresses that he feels that Connie is drifting away from him, but doesn't want to hold her back from continuing to grow. Jasper: (sigh) I know Farewell, My Diamond. Just needed to see your old man, pal around, learn some lessons about life? Steven looked up to Lars very much and wanted to be accepted by him, even once saying he did not mind suffering third-degree burns to receive a high five from him. Golf Quest Mini: Ace Ace's Father In "Escapism", as Steven mopes over how the Crystal Gems' mission has gone wrong, Connie comforts him, and when Steven gets the idea to use his psychic powers to travel to Earth to find help, she remains with him to watch over his body, staying with him to the point where she falls asleep with him in her lap before his return. But first, you're going to have to leave your own head. When waving goodbye, Steven drives the Dondai back around and upsettingly asks why they aren't sad. Connie apologizes for not texting Steven back and leaving him in the dark for so long, explaining that she couldn't figure out what to say, among other circumstances. A little while later, Lapis begins to talk to Steven by replaying visions that the mirror has witnessed for the day, and they become good friends, with Steven calling them "Beach Summer Fun Buddies", a nickname to which Lapis agrees. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It is for this reason that she lies to her parents about Steven in "Fusion Cuisine", saying that he had a traditional nuclear family. I don't think Steven knows if he can at this point. Fortunately, Steven, whose consciousness is on an abstract astral plane can communicate with Connie and tells her to watch his body while he tries to get through to Yellow and Blue Diamond. "Everything's Fine" shows Steven's mental health nearing its lowest when, after returning from Homeworld, he puts on a cheerful faade and tries to help everyone like he used to. Steven Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. After defeating the Gem monster that is attracted to the glow of Connie's bracelet, Connie appears to be amazed by Steven, saying "He was incredible!" I thought you never wanted to hurt anyone, but you hurt everyone! Steven universe influence many things in me from how tell stories to my art style! [..] I just want to fix it! shows that the two work well together as a team with a deep understanding of each other. Again, White Diamond is initially dismissive of Steven, though he is angry at her for taking control of the other Diamonds and later, the Crystal Gems. When Steven accidentally causes Pink Pearl to become trapped in a shell that will rejuvenate her, he feels guilty and tries to free her. Steven becomes friends with Nephrite in "Monster Buddies" when he accidentally pops the bubble which Nephrite's gem is in. Amethyst then proceeds to inform her about the truth, and Jasper meekly sinks into the pool. Sadie is one of Steven's friends who, unlike her co-worker Lars, is friendly, considerate, and affectionate towards Steven. The two reconcile at the end of the episode, but as revealed in "Joy Ride" Steven felt uncomfortable talking about his mother with the other Crystal Gems for a time, having believed that they partly blamed him for Rose's absence. I'm coming with you. Steven. Steven's Birthday", he expresses the assumption that Connie will become president as an adult and worries that his stunted growth would make him the "First Boy" when that happens, implying that he wants to marry her. Connie, however, is terrified of the thought of her parents knowing about this or any of the magical things she does with Steven. She thanks Steven before departing back to her home planet. However, Steven heals her gem with his healing spit and the two share a laugh over their predicament. He expresses a strong, enraged demeanor alien to Steven during and after a re-encounter with him at his dad's car wash, and is in a sour mood for the rest of the day. Despite his underdeveloped magical power and lack of experience, he has proven himself to have much heroic potential through his resourcefulness, optimism, and confidence. In "Reunited", Connie participates in Ruby and Sapphire's wedding and fights alongside Steven and the other Crystal Gems. This initially makes Steven self-conscious about his immaturity and he gains resolve to outgrow it, although his misguided attempt becomes a source of self-inflicted misery as he tries to break off his friendship with Connie to protect her from harm.

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