were westcott and hort jesuits

He wrote a book called Which Version in the early 1900s. It is known that, with Froude by his side, Newman asked Wiseman what it would take to return England to the Roman faith. During the Council of Trent, several Jesuits, notably Diego Lainez, served as theologians. I,II. It was no wonder, therefore, if a Jesuit should feign himself a Protestant, for the conversion of Protestants.(Dr. Desanctis, Popery and Jesuitism in Rome, pp. These men are obviously led by the spirit but I am not entirely sure it is Holy. It is a sad thing when men make merchandise of the Word of God.(Gipp). Both believed that Heaven existed only in the mind of man. A. Hort (1828-1892), the towering pioneers of the textual criticism of the Greek New Testament. Note that! In 1870 the idea of a modest revision of the A.V. How can they, when the very bibles they use are from the clawed hands of Jesuits and Rome? Each paper said it was written against Popery and Dissent; yet, without exception, these little sheets explained why Britains needed to return to Rome. FENTON JOHN ANTHONY HORT (1828-1892) A. Hulsean Professor of Divinity, then Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cambridge B. I have been surprised, in comparing the Revised Testament with other versions, to find how many of the changes, which are important and valuable, have been anticipated by the Rhemish translation, which now forms a part of what is known as the Douay Bible And yet a careful comparison of these new translations with the Rhemish Testament, shows them, in many instances, to be simply a return to this old version, and leads us to think that possibly there were as finished scholars three hundred years ago as now, and nearly as good apparatus for the proper rendering of the original text.(B Warfield, Collection of Opinions, Vol II, pp52,53). And, whatever the truth may be, this seems just the liberty required at the present moment, if any living belief is to survive in the land. (Life, Vol.I, p.454). [The personal letters of Hort and Westcott sound like the letters of men of the Jesuit order (that is, if you know the Roman Catholic Jesuits. "[112], Frederick E. Mayer wrote in 1954: "It is a version that lends support to denial of doctrines which the Christian churches consider basic, such as the co-equality of Jesus Christ with the Father, the personhood of the Holy Spirit, and the survival of the human person after physical death. (1) KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611. Thus, we see that the Revised Version is not a revision in any sense whatever, but a new Bible based on different manuscripts from the King James, on Catholic manuscripts in fact. 1860 Apr. Not only this, but: The Rheims-Douay and the King James Version were published LESS than THIRTY years apart..The Rheims-Douay has been REPEATEDLY changed to APPROXIMATE the King James. The new versions are all foul, for they take us away from truth and genuine sources of truth, to the winding and rocky paths of Roman Catholic lies, and towards atheism and paganism. Almost all the advanced Greek courses were taught by the legendary . They sent missionaries to Egypt, which was the land of Isis (Queen of Heaven) and Horus (the sun god), and Baal worship (which began with Nimrod). "[121], Julius R. Mantey, co-author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament and A Hellenistic Greek Reader, said in 1980 that the NWT's rendering of John 1:1 is "a shocking mistranslation" and "Obsolete and incorrect". In 1978, the Watch Tower Society began producing recordings of the New World Translation on audio cassette,[71] with the New Testament released by 1981[72] and the Old Testament in three albums released by 1990. During the Oxford Movement, they had their opportunity to lay the groundwork in England. He took a strange interest . While there, Newman sought an interview with Cardinal Wiseman, who was later to have a telling influence on the 1871-1881 revision of the King James Bible and the romanizing of the English Church. "[93] He added in a subsequent review that "the second volume shows the same faults as the first. In other words, W&H deliberately used corrupt sources KNOWING that virtually all other texts contained the same truths as were found in the Textus Receptus! . The Differentiator (June 1959), cited in Ian Croft, "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: Does It Really Have the Support of Greek Scholars? "[94] While a member of the denomination, Rolf Furulia former professor in Semitic languagessaid that a literal translation that follows the sentence structure of the source language rather than target language must be somewhat wooden and unidiomatic. The true Bible turns unlearned and ignorant men into gospel preachers and casts out all fear.. This translation, as J. Carter Swaim observes, has its peculiarities and its excellences. That was my first introduction to B. F. Westcott (1825-1901) and F. J. To destroy the faith and doctrines of the Protestants, whom they want to bring back into the fold of Roman Catholicism. His Histoire Criticque du Vieux Testament (1678), arguing from the existence of duplicate accounts of the same incident and variations of style, denied that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch. In other words, when everyone spoke Latin the new versions of Rome could not gather momentum. The above information is enough to make any thinking Christian cringe at the audacity of W&H, Jesuits, and all who have insinuated their foul heresies into the churches. This cannot be any text resting solely on our own judgment, even if we were not too inexperienced to make one; but it must be supported by a clear and obvious preponderance of evidence. What matters is that Tischendorf is behind an attempt to dismantle and finally destroy Christian beliefs, by firstly destroying faith in Gods word. If you are a Christian, I highly suggest that you read theThe Deception Series. Modern Bible versions, based on a few low-quality, and even corrupt, Bible manuscripts. And God said: "Let there be light." Grady, Final Authority, p. 210). Warfield is here saying something important for those who want to know the origin of the new versions. The critical version of Jerome never displaced it, and only replaced it when the Latin ceased to be a living language, and became the language of the learned. Tischendorf is part of this school of thought, and W&H relied on his work to do their own and so the circle comes around and dots are joined even moreso. I published (Text and short Introduction). [16][17][13] According to the publishers, one of the main reasons for producing a new translation was that most Bible versions in common use, including the Authorized Version (King James), employed archaic language. ", Perth, Western Australia. "[96] He concluded, "this work indicates a great deal of effort and thought as well as considerable scholarship, it is to be regretted that religious bias was allowed to colour many passages. Hort and Westcott were committed Communists. I wish I could see to what forgotten truth Mariolatry bears witness; and how we can practically set forth the teaching of the miracles. "[92], Regarding the New World Translation's use of English in the first volume of the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis to Ruth, 1953), biblical scholar Harold Henry Rowley was critical of what he called "wooden literalism" and "harsh construction". 3 Jeromes Latin Vulgate Bible contains no errors. [106], In 1953, former American Bible Society board member Bruce M. Metzger concluded that "on the whole, one gains a tolerably good impression of the scholarly equipment of the translators,"[30][107] but identified instances where the translation has been written to support Jehovah's Witness doctrines, with "several quite erroneous renderings of the Greek. 1828 Apr. A. Hort (1881) was used as the basis for translating the New Testament into English. Dean Burgon said: On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very carelessness. This Greek New Testament was the basis for the Revised Version of that same year. ), I cannot help asking what I am? Several chapters of the translation were read to the directors, who then voted to accept it as a gift. Both Westcott and Hort loved Rome and Mary. He immediately left the city of Rome, declaring, I have a work to do in England. (It was on the return voyage that he wrote the words for the hymn we so often sing, Lead kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom. He felt God was leading him out of Protestantism, back to the Mother Church.). Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) was born at Birmingham and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) at Dublin. Newman had claimed that the foundation creed of the Anglican Church, the Thirty-Nine Articles, was essentially like the decrees of the Council of Trent. Regarding the Pentateuch, it taught that the first five books of the Bible were a compilation of different documents, written over a span of five centuries by various authors. These features were discontinued in the 2013 release. Friedrich Schleiermacher rejected creeds and doctrines, declaring that all that mattered in religion was feeling. [When other early church fathers (bishops) were condemning Origen, Eusebius praised him in his book ecclesiastic history. http://www.christiandoctrine.com/christian-doctrine/the-bible/1202-jesuits-others-and-new-bible-versions, Looking for news worthy topics, in both the Politcal, Social, and The Religious arenas. ), I dare not communicate to you my own wild doubts at times . The complete New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was released as a single volume in 1961,[12][13] and has since undergone various revisions. (Life of Hort by his son, Vol. But, what the new version translators did was to change A to B and C to D, and then repeated the same process, without warrant, many times. Generally speaking Wescott and Hort favored the Alexandrian text, which they called the "Neutral Text . They all, with other modern Bibles not mentioned, represent a family largely built on the Revised Greek New Testament, or one greatly similar, or were the products of a common influence. (This they later circulated under pledge of secrecy within the company of N.T. 1883 Burgon publishes The Revision Revised, including a reply to Ellicott. But, on the whole, it offers a reliable vision of the Word of God, which can lead men to the New World, that is, to the Messianic Kingdom". A database of Greek and Hebrew terms is available where a translator has difficulty rendering a verse. The Gothic version of Ulfilas, in the same way, held its own until the tongues in which it was written ceased to exist.(Forum, June 1887). About 95-97% of them agree together. Nov. 17th Westcott: As far as I could judge, the idea of La Salette was that of God revealing Himself now, and not in one form but in many. (Life, Vol.I. Together, they produced The New Testament in the Original Greek, one of the earliest examples of modern textual criticism. If he be condemned, what will become of me? (Life, Vol.I,p.94). The 7 members of the N.T. Hort even admits his ignorance of the Hebrew and Greek. Bearing in mind that the Jesuits are Romes storm-troopers, and no branch of Romanism can carry on without Romes order and blessing, look at what Jesuits say about the Bible (in a Jesuit meeting in Cheri, Italy, 1825), thegenuineBible that can be traced back through the centuries to thegenuinesources: Then the Bible, that serpent which with head erect and eyes flashing, threatens us (the Jesuits) with its venom while it trails along the ground, shall be changed into a rod as soon as we (the Jesuits) are able to seize itfor three centuries past this cruel asp has left us no repose. Westcott & Hort gave all the appearances of being pious and devout and devoted to finding the true and original words of the New Testament. Giving evidence of a broad command of the original language, it renders the original words into a second language understandably without deviating unnecessarily from the specific structure of the Hebrew. In my work in a mental hospital I came across highly intelligent men who, though insane, could use and quote scripture with perfection, and were far more knowledgeable than any usual Christian. It is of interest that Richard Simon (1638-1712), a Roman Catholic priest, was the first to delve into Biblical criticism. 18th-century philosophers and theologians, especially in Germany and France, carried that concept further. It exhibits a vast array of sound serious learning, as I can testify. This text suited the Roman Catholic Church well, since it attacked the doctrines of the Bible. Simon is the forerunner of modern Biblical criticism.(Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. ], Constantine, the professed Christian, who secretly worshipped the sun god, ordered Eusebius (the bishop of Caesarea) to make 50 Bibles for him. Satan knoweth that he hath but a short time. These three men deeply affected later theological thought, down to our own time. It teaches the annihilation of the wicked, the non-existence of hell, and the purely animal nature of man's soul. There is also an index listing scriptures by subject. One was to be used as a MORAL attack, the other as a PHYSICAL attack; both to RECLAIM England.. The principal object of the Rheims translators was not ONLY to circulate their doctrines through the country, but ALSO to DEPRECIATE as much as possible the English translations. Both of these underpin all modern versions. The reference edition contains the cross references and adds footnotes about translation decisions and additional appendices that provide further detail relating to certain translation decisions and doctrinal views. not very long after that time, especially in Mormonism . [132][129] In rebuttal, Thomas Howe strongly criticized BeDuhn's positive review of the New World Translation, stating that BeDuhn's main goal is to deny the deity of Christ. In 1983, the English Braille edition of the New World Translation's New Testament was released;[75] the complete English Braille edition was released by 1988. The original New World Translation employs nearly 16,000 English expressions to translate about 5,500 biblical Greek terms, and over 27,000 English expressions to translate about 8,500 Hebrew terms. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you.. 2:11-16). It only reinforces the Catholic Catechism, which says this abominable thing: Question:What if the Holy Scriptures command one thing, and the Pope another contrary to it? As a pre-degree theology student with a well-known evangelical Bible school, I had to study Bultmann (much admired by one of the deacons in my church and one of my examiners), plus other unbelievers. . It was the Christians who replaced the Tetragrammaton by Kyrios, when the divine name written in Hebrew letters was not understood any more. [28][29], The translation of the Old Testament, which Jehovah's Witnesses refer to as the Hebrew Scriptures, was released in five volumes in 1953, 1955, 1957, 1958, and 1960. I had learnt, like other Protestant children, that the Pope was the Antichrist, and that Gregory VII had been a special revelation of that being. In the preface to their Rheims New Testament, they state that it was not translated into English because it was necessary that the Bible should be in the mother tongue, or that God had appointed the Scriptures to be read by all; BUT from the SPECIAL considerations of the state of their mother country. Since then, new versions have been big business, raking in huge amounts of cash. The Hebrew texts, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, were used for preparing the latest version of this translation. This demonic attraction for what is plainly corrupt has led to a W&H link to Strongs! Newman declared that the principles of Roman Catholicism could be taught in the Church of England under the Thirty-Nine Articles. Members of the society taught the sons of leading families and served as spiritual advisors to kings.(mb-soft.com). In 1841, he wrote this to a Roman Catholic: Only through the English Church can you act upon the English nation., (J.H. "New Bible Translation Completed, Released". Few graduate from those worldly institutions who do not accept it. This is nothing but the old childrens story brought to reality The Kings New Clothes! Oct. 17th Hort: I have been persuaded for many years that Mary-worship and Jesus-worship have very much in common in their causes and their results. (Life, Vol.II, p.50). Do not forget that Hort always considered the KJAV to be disgusting to his senses, and referred to that vile Textus Receptus with much venom. [32][33], In 1961, the Watch Tower Society began to translate the New World Translation into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish; the New Testament in these languages was released simultaneously in July 1963 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. But still more..Flushed with their glorious victory over the Jesuit Bible of 1582, and over the Spanish Armada of 1588..English Protestantism..They have to the world what has been considered by a host of scholars, the greatest version ever produced in any language the King James Bible, called the MIRACLE of English PROSE.(Hunt). The phrase bless them that curse you is omitted from both the Revised and the Jesuit. Let me put it this way The letter A remains the letter A no matter how many times it is reproduced. [61] Walter Martin, an evangelical minister, wrote, "It can be shown from literally thousands of copies of the Greek New Testament that not once does the tetragrammaton appear. Aug. 11th Westcott: I never read an account of a miracle (in Scripture?) The Committee followed the Greek text as advocated by Westcott and Hort, which was based on the main from the Vatican and Sinaitic manuscripts, and especially the Vaticanus. Westcott and Hort were responsible for the greatest feat in textual criticism. From those 50 Bibles came the Latin vulgate, written by Jerome. Does this mean W&H were acting on behalf of Rome? Look no further than the old Russian communist regime! Westcott and Hort agree upon plan of a joint revision of the text of the Greek Testament. The author gives many more examples of how the Jesuit bible is simply transferred to modern titles. Grammar and Lexicon. Had I been alone I could have knelt there for hours. (Life, Vol.I, p.81). Westcott and Hort were Jesuits to their darkest core. "Bible Knowledge Made Plain Through Modern Translation". [50][51], The Greek master text by the Cambridge University scholars B. F. Westcott and F. J. Surely, even in the minds of strong adherents, logic must prevail? Newman, then, paved the way for the coming of Westcott & Hort and their abominable new versions, based as they were on the Alexandrian texts and other heretical sources. Horts autobiography says: .Evangelicals seem to me PERVERTED rather than untrue.I have been persuaded for many years that MARY-WORSHIP and Jesus-worship have much in common.But you know I am a STAUNCH sacerdotalist (belief in the sacraments)The popular doctrine of SUBSTITUTION is an IMMORAL and material COUNTERFEIT This should not be a surprise for both Vaticanus (Manuscript B) and Sinaiticus (a Aleph) are Roman Catholic in origin. "[122], According to the February 1, 1998 issue of The Watchtower, Jason BeDuhn ordered copies of the KIT for his students at Indiana University Bloomington, and wrote that "it is the best interlinear New Testament available".[139][140]. The Reformation became a great schism. All others were outlawed!, Those who are ignorant of the part played by Jesuits in the fall of the KJAV are destined to become their slaves, When the Counter Reformation was launched, the Jesuit order was its driving force. 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Many Catholic and Protestant scholars have accused this Bible of flaws and biased interpretations. In this context, one should also note, for example, that Remonstrants and Mennonites were able to use the SV [(Statenvertaling)]. Criticism of the New World Translation is particularly concentrated on Christological issues, mainly the translation of the word kurios (Greek: ) as "Jehovah"usually translated "Lord" by the classical translators and its rendering of John 1:1. 1822). Reprinted with kind permission from theTraditional Text Pamphlets Homepage and compiled byDavid Blunt of the James Begg Society. With two exceptions, these all in the main agree with the change of thought in the Revised; and the other two agree to a considerable extent. "[117], In 1963, theologian Anthony A. Hoekema wrote, "Their New World Translation of the Bible is by no means an objective rendering of the sacred text into modern English, but is a biased translation in which many of the peculiar teachings of the Watchtower Society are smuggled into the text of the Bible itself. Newman, Apologia Pro Vita Sue, p. 225 [published years later when he openly renounced Protestantism and became a Catholic cardinal].). This only added to the confusion and disintegration of spirituality in the nation. [8][9] The New Testament portion was released first, in 1950, as The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures,[10][11] with the complete New World Translation of the Bible released in 1961. The two major editors of these manuscripts were Westcott and Hort. But the mind was set by these so-called scholars to trash the Textus Receptus.(Hunt). So wild, so skeptical am I. I cannot yield.(Op. This charge created a sensation . He concluded that the Gospel records are nothing more than a collection of myths which portrayed truths about mans existence rather than telling about actual historical events. In order to understand the New Testament, according to Bultmann, it is necessary to demythologize them. (worldincrisis). Adherents to new bible versions are like this. (Redirected from Westcott and hort) The New Testament in the Original Greek is a Greek-language version of the New Testament published in 1881. Dr. Scrivener was the one man that fought them tooth and nail all the way, but he was always outvoted. All in all, it would seem that a reconsideration of the challenge of this movement to the historic churches is in order. That many of us do not share such adulative language is irrelevant, of course! Closer to our own time, Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) developed a radical criticism of the Biblical text, known as form criticism. 98, 99; F.J. Firth, The Holy Gospel, pp. But the answer is simple enough. Immanuel Kant stressed the importance of reason and the rejection of everything else. 1856 Feb. ? Rome can only rule over ignorant, fear-filled people. In 184 to 254 he corrupted Bible manuscripts. And when we learn that the NIV was worked on by homosexuals, we see not just corruption in modern versions, but a pit of damnation that no genuine believer can touch. Please Let it be underlined what they want to destroy is true scripture, identified as the KJAV and its reliance on authentic sources. "[126], In 2004, historian Jason BeDuhn examined New Testament passages in which he believed "bias is most likely to interfere with translation"[127] from nine of "the Bibles most widely in use in the English-speaking world". This higher-critical approach did much to destroy the historically held views concerning the authorship of the Biblical books. Rhodes R, The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions, The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response, Zondervan, 2001, p. 94, Bruce M Metzger, "Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus Christ," Theology Today, (April 1953 p. 74); see also Metzger, "The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures," The Bible Translator (July 1964), C.H. There are 18 other uncial (capital letters) manuscripts that have the passage in and at least 600 cursive (small letters) manuscripts that ALL contain these words. Rome is delighted that new versions base their work not on the original, authentic sources of the Bible they curse, the KJAV, but on the corrupt sources of the Alexandrian school, to which they subscribe. So, they began making changes to Bible manuscripts, because, after all, they were so wise. They did it not so much by violence (though they were good at it), but by secret means, slipping into positions of authority and power so as to influence everyone else. Biblical scholar. If not, why not? If people influence others to sin or not to believe, then theyareto be named as devilish and condemned as traitors to Christ. It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest. 1860 May 1st Hort to Lightfoot: If you make a decided conviction of the absolute infallibility of the N.T. The general public has been led to believe that Westcott and Hort were Christians, but were they really? Even the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses can survive the scrutiny of the critics. A large number of new versions are based on W&H. He had enough proof from these to show that Jerome used corrupt manuscripts the same as were used by W&H and all later new version authors! In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This translation was indeed to do on the INSIDE of England, what the great navy of Philip 2 was to do on the OUTSIDE. [105], Allen Wikgren (member of the New Revised Standard Version committee, as well as the committee which produced the USB Greek text) said in 1952, "independent readings of merit often occur in other modern speech versions, such as Verkyl's New Testament (1945) and the Jehovah's Witnesses' edition of the New Testament (1950)". Cartwright accepted, and immediately used his vast knowledge to glean the best from the Latin sources as well as the Greek and Hebrew. Answer Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort were 19th-century theologians and Bible scholars. During the period from 1963 to 1989, the New World Translation became available in ten additional languages. And what of the admission by both men that they knew next to nothing of Hebrew and Greek in any true academic sense? The New World Translation uses the name Jehovah 6,979 times in the Old Testament. On the following passages from the Scriptures, we have examined The Twentieth Century, Fenton, Goodspeed, Moffatt, Moulton, Noyes, Rotherham, Weymouth, and Douay. [67] The Reference edition is out of print as of the release of the 2013 revision of the New World Translation. ), and am most anxious to provide something to replace them. And this simple fact should warn all who use the new versions that something bad is afoot, for anything Rome does is always for its own ends, and for the destruction of Protestant truth, as found in scripture. Then, when Bishop Challoner got hold of the version, 1749-52, it was changed so dramatically that Cardinal Newman said the new version was virtually a completely new translation. Westcott and Hort were two non-Christian Anglican ministers. In the Gospels alone they disagree with each other over 3,000 times! ..The most downright claims to infallibility are made by the Apocalyptist, as for example in the NT REVELATION(see 22:6, 16, 18-19) a book which some of the WISEST THINKERS of the early Church wished to exclude from the canon, and which as A WHOLE, is SUB-CHRISTIAN in tone and outlook Moses HAS LEFT US NO WRITINGS, and we know little of him with certaintyFor indeed the bare idea of vicarious expiation(substitutionary atonement) is NOT WHOLLY RATIONAL.(Letter to John Ellerton, 1848). No such reason impelled the Jesuits of Rheims. What a heinous mix of good and bad! They are exactly the same sources found in the Jesuit bible of 1582 and these are reproduced in the first of the cursed new versions the Revised Version! Westcott and Hort were Jesuits to their darkest core. [73] In 2004, the NWT was released on compact disc in MP3 format in major languages. And we can continue: As we have observed, continental (German and French) higher criticism was primarily concerned with destroying the value of the content of the Bible. He also wrote that the King James Bible was a spurious text, devoid of divine authority. [90], In 2004, Anthony Byatt and Hal Flemings published their anthology 'Your Word is Truth', Essays in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1950, 1953). It is indicated that they provide a bridge between apostate Christianity and the occult and the New Age Movement.

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