when did 14 days to flatten the curve start

Is all that economic pain worth trying to stop COVID-19? Vaccines were, in a way, the inheritor of the sentiment behind flatten the curve. The idea there was that people could take steps (staying at home more, social distancing) that would help the community broadly (by not overwhelming hospitals). That means app. So what I think were seeing is decision-makers struggling to pull the trigger on these really big, impactful decisions without having a clear sense of the current status.. Similarly, former presidential advisor and physician Ezekiel Emmanuelflatly statedthat there is no choice but to stay locked down indefinitely: Realistically, COVID-19 will be here for the next 18 months or more. While a vaccine and treatments are developed, strong actions must be taken. The two largest failings of the guidance were that it didn't acknowledge that people without symptoms can spread the virus and didn't say anything about wearing masks, formerBaltimore health commissioner Dr. Leana Wen said. "I think that's where federal leadership fell short because on the national stage, we had the former president downplaying the importance, where on the front lines, we were seeing a different picture.". Sign up for notifications from Insider! Theres no better way to protect your family and your community than by arming yourself with accurate, up-to-date information. In the early days of the COVID-19 panicback in mid-Marcharticles began to appear pushing the idea of flattening the curve (theWashington Postran an article called Flatten the Curve on March 14). But even as testing capacity has improved in the last week, hospitals have faced a shortage of swabs needed to perform tests particularly in states like Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, and Washington. If tough containment worked for China and South Korea, then so should it also for the rest of the world. That the flatten the curve graphic reached so many people shows the power of simple, strong, visual messages, says Li. I think people are not yet fully understanding the scale of this outbreak and how dangerous it is to downplay, he said. While the President leads a nationwide response, bringing together government resources and private-sector ingenuity, every American can help slow the virus spread and keep our most high-risk populations safe: Todays guidelines build on the CDCs general recommendations to help prevent spread of the virus. "Simply put, 15 days is not enough to address so much of what we were facing in March 2020 and this plan really reveals an administration and national plan that was quite superficial in response," Popescu said in an email. And with it went the idea of flattening the curve. The epidemic curve, a statistical chart used to visualize when and at what speed new cases are reported, could be flattened, rather than being allowed to rise exponentially. That was 663 days ago. However, at the national level, it seems the Biden Administration is doubling down on the status quo of shutdowns, social distancing, and masks, as the primary solution to COVID-19. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-march-15-31-2020-critical-time-contain-covid-19-us-khvatkov/, We went from almost no lockdowns to daily lockdowns: The mental health crisis inside California womens prisons. As of Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there had been 647 cases and 25 deaths in the country. Instead, that early guidance focused mostly on urging people who feel sick to stay home and for everyone to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people. On any normal day, health systems in the United States typically run close to capacity. That is nothing if not intuitive, of course; someone sick with covid is necessarily going to increase the percentage of beds in use. This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives. We ravaged convenience stores for hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes. The CDC produced the original image, which showed how disease-control behaviors could reduce the peak of infections in a pandemic. But eight days after the plan came out, the US continues to witness dramatic daily spikes in coronavirus cases. The survey also asked respondents to rate the effectiveness of social distancing measures, how controllable they thought the pandemic was, and their trust in the CDC and other scientists. For example, reducing 1,000 cases by half each day would mean a reduction of 500 cases on Day 1 and 125 cases on Day 3 but only 31 cases on Day 5. Morrato said social-distancing efforts in other countries could offer clues as to how long Americans should remain isolated from one another. Mar 11, 2021 2 min read 14 DAYS TO FLATTEN THE CURVE Open Letter to Members of the Legislative Assembly March 11, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Well need 30 years to reach sufficient immunity. Just last week, President Biden stated: If we do our part, by July 4th, theres a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard and celebrate Independence Day Small groups will be able to get together.This is supposed to be encouraging to the American public? If you look at the curves of outbreaks, they go big peaks, and then come down. Just on the wrong axis. Got a confidential news tip? This meme trend came few days ago and is now flooded over social media. Subscribe now to get breaking news from President Trump before anyone else. And were feeling silly, he said, noting people still feel self-conscious bumping elbows instead of shaking hands. And fewer people in the hospital meant not only fewer people dying from covid-19 but less risk that hospitals would be unable to care for other, non-covid patients. But it increasingly seems that such a scenario is wishful thinking. March 6, 2021 Geoffrey Pike 3 Comments. Several studies have shown that the lockdowns were not effective at stopping the virus. That means that we know we should be doing it. Many governors and mayors nonetheless continued to claim that they would not allow any easing of the lockdowns until cases began to decline, or until testing became widespread. Tags: There is very little we can do to prevent this spread: a lockdown might delay severe cases for a while, but once restrictions are eased, cases will reappear. Perhaps not surprisingly, by early April we had leading national figures in the US insisting that China-style lockdowns were the only way to deal with the disease. Helen Branswell covers issues broadly related to infectious diseases, including outbreaks, preparedness, research, and vaccine development. If a hospital is overwhelmed by Covid-19 cases, patients will have a lower chance of surviving than they would if they became ill when the hospitals patient load was more manageable. So maybe its time to revive flatten the curve. Maybe emphasizing that the rampant spread of the virus means a strain on hospitals and, crucially, on health-care workers will serve as an incentive for people to take steps such as masking that would prevent their mild infection from spreading to other people. The time to act is clearly now. If an infection lasts 2 weeks, 348.000 infections can be handled. If he had been honest from the start, Americans would have understood and industry would have stepped up and made masks just like they did with hand sanitizer. ET This was yet another report, as TFTPs Don Via Jr. pointed out, that much like the aforementioned, didnotreceive national headlines from the corporate media. Are you a health care worker affected by the coronavirus outbreak? A year later, Trumps 15 days to slow the spread - CNBC White House chief medical officer Dr. Anthony Faucitold congressional lawmakers on March 12, 2020 just days before Trump's 15-day guidance that the U.S. wasn't able to test as many people for the disease as other countries, calling it "a failing.". Polling shows that those who arent vaccinated and Republicans (groups with a lot of overlap) see vaccination more as a personal choice than a social responsibility. No higher priority than the health of the American people, Listen to and follow the directions of your. The New York Times of all places, acknowledged this phenomenon in a recent piece titled 'Covid Absolutism.' When the WHO declared COVID a pandemic, across the world the strategy was to "flatten the curve" of infections rising over time. Federal guidelines advise that states wait until they experience a downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period before proceeding to a phased opening. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories, The Trump administration has released a 15-day plan to, The plan involves asking healthy Americans to avoiding social gatherings and. President Trump continues to cut through every piece of unnecessary Washington red tape that may hinder response efforts, and he is continuing to make every Federal resource available to those who need it. Vaccines do something similar, allowing potentially low-risk people to get a shot to reduce the likelihood that theyll get infected and spread it to others. For weeks, a debate has raged about whether the virus could be contained an approach the WHO has been exhorting countries to focus on or whether it made more sense to simply try to lessen the virus blow, an approach known as mitigation.. This is historical material frozen in time. The answer for many is no for a variety of reasons. A website maintained by Johns Hopkins University which is considered the go-to website for Covid-19 statistics scrapes data from a variety of sources. Lockdown Concerns. Two weeks to flatten the curve turned into months of restrictions, which have turned into nearly 365 days of mask-wearing, hand-washing and worries about Until then, only minimal essential activities will be allowed. Given that this virus is so transmittable, and is contagious before it is felt, there is a high likelihood that it will be flaring up and continuing to disrupt life for everyone for more than a year, possible much longer. Let Big Tech and the corporate media know they are powerless in stopping the spread of truth by visiting our store now! NOW WATCH: Can the US actually implement a nationwide lockdown? From the start of the pandemic, no one has been willing to admit what they don't know and as a result, so-called experts have just assumed the worst with devastating consequences for our economy and individual liberties. While 74% of adults said they were aware of the chart, this awareness did not correlate with their intention to engage in social distancing or their belief in whether interventions could control the pandemic. Indeed, the Chinese-style containment strategy has failed so completely thateven the WHO has abandoned it. 1600 Daily is the White Houses evening newsletter. One of the most heavily vaccinated places on the planet, withthestrictest vaccine mandates in the country, New York City, accounted for nearly 10% of all cases in the U.S. Should we not be shaking hands? Thank You. Wen, who is also anemergencyphysicianand public health professor at George Washington University, noted it wasn't just politicians, but also scientists, who didn't understand how to fight the virus. 14 Days to Flatten the Curve Meme. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. 60%). Follow her on Mastodon and Post News. The Great Reset Is Now An Audiobook! ", "I think one of the biggest regrets that I have is that we didn't have the testing that we needed to have," Barbot said. Former President Trump announced his "15 days to slow the spread" campaign one year ago, which urged Americans to stay home to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The truth is we have no choice. And frankly speaking, its not helpful, Ryan told reporters. Those measures include banning concerts, sporting events, and other mass gatherings, closing movie theaters, telling people who can telecommute to work from home, and potentially closing schools. In those days, it was still considered madness to suggest outlawing jobs for millions of Americans or shutting down entire national economies in an effort to flatten the curve. Thus, the article lists for more moderate mitigation strategies: By taking certain stepscanceling large public gatherings, for instance, and encouraging some people to restrict their contact with othersgovernments have a shot at stamping out new chains of transmission, while also trying to mitigate the damage of the spread that isnt under control. On March 16, 2020, the Trump administration released a 15-day planto slow the spread of the coronavirus in the US. That was 663 days ago. All rights reserved. Harvards top infectious diseases epidemiologist Lipsitch projects deaths in the millions. It wasn't until early April that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization acknowledged that wearing a mask could help protect people, she said. Let's hope our government has learned that lesson as we move into year two. - Greg Lukianoff. Robert Amler, the former CDC Chief Medical Officer and current dean of health sciences at New York Medical College, said the US's ability to contain the virus' spread will likely improve as testing ramps up. "Fifteen days of aggressive social distancing is necessary, but will not be sufficient," she said. At the end of the day, they cost more lives than they saved. We want to hear from you. Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci holds up the "15 Days to Slow the Spread" instruction as U.S. President Donald Trump looks on during a news briefing on the latest development of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. at the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House March 20, 2020 in Washington, DC. Well find out. She added that early on, officials should have acted more swiftly when cases were detected to prevent spread through the closure of businesses. Many people found this message reasonable enough, especially when coupled with claims that hospitals and governments would seek to buy up large numbers of ventilators and expand capacity with temporary hospitals. Schools should be utilizing virtual classrooms. "What ought to be "common sense" is speaking the truth to the American people, even when situations are challenging and demoralizing. We were given apocalyptic predictions about infection rates of "40 to 70 percent" and told millions would die. Every Sunday at 11:00am EST/New York. Surgeon General (March 2020). Why not use the Chinese approach: from peak to zero infections in 6 weeks! In June, we reported on the study from the National Bureau of Economic Research which analyzed data from 44 countries and all 50 states. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Businesses and occupations were divided into essential and non-essential, with the non-essentials closing their doors many for good. More than 70% of respondents said they were very likely to engage in social distancing, while about 40% thought that the pandemic could be brought under control with these interventions. Its really all borne out of the risk of our health care infrastructure pulling apart at the seams if the virus spreads too quickly and too many people start showing up at the emergency room at any given time.. We dont want to go that route, Rivers told STAT. On March 16, 2020, the Trump administration released a 15 "It is fair to say, some form of social distancing will be required until we have a vaccine or effective treatment identified," Morrato said. Youll experience severe illness in many cases.. That was the argument: Stay healthy, keep the hospitals from being overloaded. Many over 50 years in i.e. Seattle is already in the thick of it. A version of the chart and the phrase flatten the curve first appeared in a 2007 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about ways to control the Well, we saw multiple additional waves of infections, surges that did, in fact, occasionally overwhelm hospitals. One was the degree of asymptomatic transmission, and two was the aerosols, how this is not just transmitted through people sneezing and coughing.". '", "virus does not spread easily from contaminated surfaces. Despite the snark now, if the goal of American health authorities in March 2020 was to flatten the curve, then they were successful. The director of the WHOs health emergencies programme said on Wednesday there was a perception that Sweden had not done enough to contain coronavirus, but nothing could be further from the truth. NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant says it will take seven to 14 days to know if the "flatten the curve" measures are working. The U.S., compared to the big countries of Western Europe, did flatten the curve. That they now portray to affirm what they have been saying all along is the pinnacle of cowardish babble. Chan School of Public Health have looked at what U.S. hospitals might endure if Wuhan-scale spread occurred in this country. So, we must keep society locked down indefinitely until a vaccine is found or until there can be enough testing and tracking of infections among the entire population. I would suggest that people not underestimate how effective the chart was based on this finding alone, because the popularity of this chart itself is strong evidence of how important the message was and how critical it is for scientists to send the right message out about something like this, she says. These facts have led me to the following conclusions. A March 11 article forStatnews,summed it up: I think the whole notion of flattening the curve is to slow things down so that this doesnt hit us like a brick wall, said Michael Mina, associate medical director of clinical microbiology at Bostons Brigham and Womens Hospital. "The thing we were worried about was going to kill a giant portion of our population A half a million Americans have died with COVID, and yeah, it's a tragedy, but what is more of a tragedy is that there is not an emphasis on keeping people healthy. It is time Americans and the rest of the world realize that freedom is not some commodity to be traded in exchange for our obedience.

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