where are the virunga mountains located

A narrow corridor of 35km (1.93.1mi) width along the lake's western bank connects the northern and southern sectors of the national park. The Parks 3,000 square miles (7,800 square kilometers) is comprised of four sectors northern, central, southern and lake sector each with an unrivaled diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. The name Virunga (Volcanoes), probably of Swahili derivation, has prevailed over the earlier Mufumbiro (That Which Cooks), which is still used in Uganda. The crowned crane stands at over 3 feet (1 meter) tall, with predominantly grey plumage, white and black wings, a bright red gular pouch, and a crown of golden feathers. In April, in an effort to end the war, a peace agreement is signed by government and rebel forces. Virunga is the only site on earth to have three types of great apes the mountain gorilla, eastern lowland gorilla, and eastern chimpanzee. The 2008 partnership between the Congolese National Parks Authority (ICCN) and the Virunga Foundation marked a turning point in the parks history. [34], These tactics, criticised as "militarization of conservation", has been blamed for further violence and dispossession faced by local indigenous people. Sabyinyo volcano, located on the border of Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo in the Virunga Mountains, is simply incredible! Fortunately, stalwart sightseers can rest assured that the volcanos moods are carefully monitored lest it decides to let loose its fury of molten lava. The M23 Rebellion erupts in and around the Park. Virunga National Park is one of the five UNESCO protected areas that fall under the jurisdiction of the ICCN. [33], In 2005, the European Commission (EC) recommended a public-private partnership between the country's government and the British non-governmental organisation African Conservation Fund. It is headed by Andr Bauma, a man who has become almost as famous as his gorilla charges. Though the full history of the park (and the DRC) is beyond the scope of this celebration of Virunga, no coverage would be complete without mention of both the challenges and efforts involved in keeping it safe. Tourism facilities were developed and improved, and a trickle of intrepid visitors gradually turned into a steady stream of people looking to experience one of Africas most incredible destinations. The orphanage is named for a silverback killed in a devastating poaching incident in 2007 that claimed the lives of seven members of the Rugendo family. This savannah-like section offers the best chance to spot the more traditional safari animals, including elephant, lion, and buffalo. In Virungas southern sector around Bukima, there are currently ten habituated gorilla families and four solitary males which are also habituated, meaning that they are unafraid of human presence. Ten years later in 1979, Virunga was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. [4] Learn more about the Okapi Conservation Project, a project working to protect these unique mammals in the DRC, as well as the forests and creatures of Okapi Wildlife Reserve. The southern sector of Congos Virunga National Park includes those portions of the mountains that are within Congo; the southern flanks of the central and eastern mountains comprise Volcanoes National Park in northwestern Rwanda; and Gorilla National Park includes the Ugandan slopes of Mgahinga. Carefully selected conservation projects one-stop, seamless, transparent donations APP subscribers only. The grey crowned crane can be found in the wetlands, open grasslands, savannas, and cultivated areas and tropical lowland forests near the Ishasha River and Rwindi River. The northern sector receives a monthly mean precipitation of up to 220mm (8.7in), and the southern sector of up to 160mm (6.3in). The Virunga chained Mountains cover three African countries, including the southwestern of Uganda, which covers Mgahinga Gorilla National Park; the Democratic Republic of Congo in the east, covering the Virunga national park, and Rwanda covering the Volcanoes National park. Communities, such as the Mbuti, which previously relied on the lands included in the park for food and shelter have been forced out, or risk being arrested or killed by armed park rangers. Many lesser cones flank the major volcanoes. At 26,338 square kilometres (10,169 sq mi), Rwanda is the world's 149th-largest country. Illegal hunting inside protected areas increased. In 1861 the British explorer John Hanning Speke saw the Virunga Mountains from a distance; in 1876 the British explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley obtained a clear though distant view of the three eastern volcanoes; and Count Adolf von Gtzen, a German, explored the two western volcanoes in 1894. Want to go on a safari to Virunga? Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Lake Rutenzige is fed by several large rivers, the Rutshuru River being one, and drains to the north through the Semliki River into Lake Albert. [10][11] To improve the country's economic situation the government undermined that very protection by auctioning oil exploration blocks inside the park by the end of July 2022. This helps to increase understanding of mountain gorilla behaviour, as well as allowing veterinary teams to intervene if gorillas are injured or showing signs of ill health. Virungas southern sector is best known for its montane tropical forests, active volcanoes, and the mountain gorillas that live on the flanks of the dormant Mikeno volcano. Marked the end of the M23 war, and tourism is officially relauched in the Park after being forced to close for almost two years. The Virunga Mountains are all volcanic mountains but most of them are dormant. Virunga National Park is a national park in the Albertine Rift Valley in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is an extraordinary park steeped in a history of tragedy and heroism: primordial and viscerally wild. The connection between man and gorilla can be further explored at the Senkwekwe Centre, the only mountain gorilla orphanage in the world. The Virunga Mountains that mark the southern sector of the park consist of eight major volcanoes, most of which are dormant. Though there are innumerable reasons to want to visit Virunga National Park, the potential insecurity in the region is of concern to many prospective visitors. Here, Virunga reaches Lake Kivu and borders Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Mgahinga National Park in Uganda. The name Virunga comes from the Kinyarwanda word ibirunga, which means volcanoes. March to mid May and September to November are the main rainy seasons. Modern access to the western volcanoes is from Goma and Gisenyi (Rwanda); the remaining mountains are located within the circuit of roads connecting Goma and Rutshuru (Congo), Kisoro (Uganda), and Ruhengeri and Gisenyi (Rwanda). Several were observed at the northern shore of Lake Edwards in 1988 for the first time. All travel bookings booked via Trust my Travel are financially protected by them. The okapi is the closest known relative to the giraffe and looks very much as though someone crossed a zebra, antelope, and giraffe. Most of them are dormant, except Mount Nyiragongo 3,462 metres (11,358ft) and Mount Nyamuragira 3,063 metres (10,049ft), both in the DRC. Nyiragongo is an active stratovolcano that features the worlds largest lava lake at 700 feet (213 meters) across and reaches 11,380 feet (3,470 meters) in height. These savannas and woodlands contain many different types of grasses and trees. This powerful image of the silverback Senkwekwe brought global attention to this horrific event. [18] In 1969, the two parks were merged under the name Virunga National Park, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. The Virunga Foundation is a UK-based charity founded in 2005, created to support the protection of the flora and fauna of the Park, and to generate benefits for the local communities that live around the national park. Some of the Ruwenzori Mountains are permanently snow-capped, and glaciers exist at high elevations. The Virunga chained mountains, also known as the Virunga Massif, offer unique experiences to tourists in Africa. Ultra-luxury is not the order of the day in Virunga, but there are high-end accommodation options, and all the camps are comfortable. Two active volcanoes are located in the park, Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [5], In 1979, the National Park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its rich diversity of habitats, exceptional biodiversity and endemism, and its protection of rare mountain gorilla habitat. The northern sector is characterised by the dramatic Rwenzori Mountains, with sharp peaks and plunging valleys that descend to the Semuliki River valley. / 2.000S 30.000E / -2.000; 30.000. Naturally, the park authorities are aware of this, and they take the safety of their guests extremely seriously. Virunga Mountains: The stunning Virunga Mountains are a chain of Volcano Mountains shared between Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Farther north are the Rutshuru Falls and the Mai ya Moto sulfur springs. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 400,000 people are evacuated and 147 are killed in the eruption. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The, However, this is no idle volcano. The mountains are part of the Albertine rift located at the Great Rift Valley one of the world's largest natural features. [7], There have been several deadly attacks in the park by rebel groups, and several park rangers have been killed. Like humans, chimps communicate with facial expressions, gestures, and sounds. At a height of 16,761 feet (5,109 meters), the Rwenzori mountains feature the largest glaciers left on the African continent making this area, populated by glaciers-fed rivers, waterfalls and lakes, one of Africas most beautiful alpine landscapes. [12] Local and global groups, such as Greenpeace, are warning about the social and ecological impact of devastating the forest for oil production. It covers an area of 8,090 km2 (3,120 sq mi). Mean monthly rainfall in the savanna around Lake Edward is 3040mm (1.21.6in); this is the driest part of the landscape. [2], In 2011, the British company Soco International was granted a concession for extracting crude oil in the surroundings of and in large parts of the national park. The Virunga Mountain in Rwanda, Congo and Uganda The Virunga volcanoes /mountains also locally known as Mufumbiro are located in three countries Uganda, Rwanda and DRCongo. Description of the Virunga Mountains To the northeast the Ruwenzori Range soars to more than 16,000 feet (4,880 metres). Though valiant efforts were made to protect the park, the end of the 20th century saw much of the parks wildlife massacred almost to the point of extinction. Safaris, discussions & donations that make a real difference in Africa. Mountain gorillas (, ) are a subspecies of the critically endangered eastern gorilla, and there are believed to be just over 1,000 remaining. The best way to establish the state of affairs and what activities are on offer is to chat to the Africa Geographic travel team, who are in constant communication with Virungas park authorities and regularly send intrepid travelers to the area when it is safe to do so. The camps of various armed factions are dismantled in the Central Sector of the Park. This articles lists and explains more about the . Though Virunga is accessible year-round (if open to visitors), the best time to visit is during the drier months, from June until September or December until February. [6] It has been listed in the List of World Heritage in Danger since 1994 because of civil unrest and the increase of human presence in the region. [35], Increasing militarisation of nature conservation has been accused of fuelling armed mobilisation of militias. The Foundation holds the management contract for the Park, which requires it to restore and manage the national park with ICCN. Nyamuragira volcano, situated around 15 miles (25 kilometers) north of Lake Kivu, has been described as one of Africas most active volcanoes. [45] The main crater of Nyiragongo is about three-quarters of a mile (1.2 km) across and contains a liquid lava pool. In 1969, following the countrys independence from Belgium in 1960, the Park was renamed Virunga National Park. The 2008 partnership between the Congolese National Parks Authority (ICCN) and the Virunga Foundation marked a turning point in the parks history. Tourism remains a cornerstone of the parks conservation efforts, and to that end, all of the lodges within the park are non-profit, with all proceeds fed back into keeping the park protected. The presence of these volcanoes has shaped the landscape of the park over the years . [2] It covers an area of 8,090km2 (3,120sqmi). The Virunga Mountains lie between Lakes Kivu and Edward and extend into Rwanda and Uganda. Virunga has a vision for responsibly harnessing the Parks natural resources to create new opportunities for the four million people that live within a days walk of its borders. Every family comes with its dynamics, characters and stories, and the rangers have kept track of it all you can, read more about their histories and present breakdown here. These local men and women go through intensive training, risking their lives on a daily basis to safeguard the Parks exceptional wildlife, including the last of the worlds endangered mountain gorillas. The great volcanoes of this range, clothed in cloud forests, include the dormant Mikeno, Karisimbi, Visoke, and Sabinio (Sabinyo), as well as the active Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira. Clashes occurred in 2015 when a local Mai-Mai group in Binza (north Bwisha) attempted to take back control of region, with the objective of reinstalling fishing activities and allowing the population to return, killing a park guard and 11-15 soldiers. The Parks governance structure is strengthened, and newly appointed staff negotiate access to the gorilla sector despite it being controlled by rebels. Both savanna elephants and forest elephants reside in Virunga National Park, making it one of the few places in the world where both species co-exist. [27][28][29][30], By 2016, four hydropower dams were constructed that provide electricity to small businesses and benefit more than 200,000 rural people. Hiking the Sabyinyo volcano takes approximately 7 to 9 hours. However, taking one taxing step at a time has paid off. There are four recognised subspecies of the African buffalo in Africa and two of these the Cape and forest are found in Virunga. Surrounded by the mountains and home to Lake Edward, this large expanse of grassland and wooded savanna plays host to the Parks highest concentrations of elephants, buffalos and warthogs. Dch trong bi cnh "VN QUC GIA CONGO" trong ting vit-ting anh. January 17, Nyiragongo volcano erupts spreading lava through the city of Goma. Updates? The Virunga Mountains (also known as Mufumbiro[1]) are a chain of volcanoes in East Africa, along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Uganda. [46] The southern sector borders Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park. A conflict between rebel and army forces results in the untimely death of the silverback of the Rugendo family. [32] In 1994, Virunga National Park was entered into the List of World Heritage in Danger. The park also encompasses savannas, peat bogs, marshes, lava plains, eastern steppe vegetation, and various types of forests, including tropical rainforest and bamboo. From north to south it extends approximately 300km (190mi), largely along the international borders with Uganda and Rwanda in the east. These, in turn, keep the lions of the park suitably satiated. This partnership initiated a comprehensive reform program and planted the seed for what would become the Virunga Alliance an innovative development programme to address the root causes of poverty and conflict, with the aim of eradicating illegal and destructive resource extraction in the region. Here dedicated keepers have raised the young survivors of anthropogenic cruelty (poaching and snaring), as well as rehabilitating eastern lowland gorillas. Every morning, rangers set out at the crack of dawn to track down and monitor their charges, and by the time guests have stirred and downed their first coffee, many families have already been located. [39], In April 2020 at least 12 park rangers were killed by militia men attacking a civilian convoy. While many of the gorillas sensibly prefer to reside on the slopes of the dormant Mikeno volcano, the southern section is also the location of the two active volcanoes in the park Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira. [8][9], There have been plans to drill for oil in the Congo Basin since the 2000s. Lions are carnivores that consume a wide variety of prey, from wildebeest, impala, zebra, giraffe, buffalo and wild hogs to the occasional rhino, hippo, or elephant when food is scarce.

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